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OT: American Politics

And the democrats that wargamed ad nauseum for that election I'm sure were going to go silent in the night, just like in 2016 where they claimed it was an illegitimate election due to "russian meddling".

"The younger Pelosi led a letter signed by 53 other electors—including one rogue Republican from Texas—addressed to the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, requesting the intelligence community provide a briefing on Russian interference for the full Electoral College before it convened in 50 state capitols.

“We do not understand our sole function [to be] to convene in mid-December, several weeks after Election Day, and summarily cast our votes,” said the letter. “To the contrary, the Constitution envisions the Electoral College as a deliberative body that plays a critical role in our system of government—ensuring that the American people elect a president who is constitutionally qualified and fit to serve.”"

Hmm sounds a lot like what Trump was calling for in 2020.
your inability to discern between obviously distinct fact patterns is mind-boggling. (and distressing, but mind-boggling first)
Hmm sounds a lot like what Trump was calling for in 2020.

Pretty significant difference between working within the system (put case in front of electors and let them decide on where the votes should go, as the constitution says it should work) and creating your own electors illegally, completely out of thin air and insisting that they're on the same level as the legitimately assigned electors.

I mean, the dead giveaway is that one of those approaches isn't illegal, and one is.
I live in the deep south and have never seen any such thing. I do see hitler, end of the world, must be stopped at all costs, vibes about trump from every media outlet all the time.
I am pretty sure that after somebody posted that pic of Biden on the back of the truth on Twitter, it was re-tweeted by none other than your Peace-and-Love hero Donald J. Trump.

Joking about jedi mind tricks like MK Ultra isn't well documented is pretty funny.

What does a project aimed at creating a truth serum to ensure successful interrogations of captured soviet/communist agents have to do with the type of "mind control" necessary to convice a 20 yr old republican to shoot at Trump?
I’m going to be perfectly clear here and I do not identify as a Democrat. Donald Trump is 3 mile island meltdown. Tire fire is kids play.

If this country reelects this charlatan he will become even more emboldened and we will have four years of further impeachment hearings just to keep the respective bases riled up. FFS even Chile had enough of Pinochet and ousted him and he was a lot like Trump minus the tweets.

I've no time for purported intelligent people closing their eyes and holding their nose because they feel the opposition is worse.

You want to change shit? Everyone should pick a third party and send both major parties a message because clearly both bases believe that not enough is being done concerning their hot button issues and the result is Homer Simpson in charge of our safety.

I've had enough. I have no more patience for this shit. You guys want to burn the country down then bloody have at it. Dumb ignorant talking apes stoked by their fears and prejudice then have the balls to claim they're the best country?

Yeah. That's why I have 4 citizenships and passports. Go bag ready. The ignorance I see and read on the daily is a direct result of the refusal of masses to educate themselves.

I'm burning this soap box after I leave. Fuck it.
isn't it cause they refuse to fairly pay their own linemen?
Texas is like Quebec, they have their own electrical grid which differs from the rest of the country.

This has also been a problem since the mid 90's and they have refused to fully invest in upgrading the system.

Its only going to get worse for them.
I live in the deep south and have never seen any such thing. I do see hitler, end of the world, must be stopped at all costs, vibes about trump from every media outlet all the time.

Because these muppets will forever warp everything that happens in the world into their deeply uninformed, conspiratorial worldview.

I’d love to have a more in depth discussion on this…I feel like way more man power needs to be poured into finding the proper solution to dealing with an opponent who has no interest in arguing in good faith, addressing the facts and will just continue to move the goalposts or tell a new lie to distract from the last one.

How do you combat the appeal of just being told what they want to hear, and ostensibly LARP-ing the political process as if it’s a game of DND and Trump is their dungeon-master.

When the report on this comes out and it shows that:

- The USSS identified the location in their pre event site visit, but didn't have the manpower to secure every location themselves, so they put it on a list along with, by my count, at least a dozen other locations outside of the 100 yard perimeter, but within ~300 yards where a shot could plausibly be taken from by any relatively well trained shooter.

- Local/State police were short staffed because Saturday afternoon in the summer, and provided what they could but you can't make more police appear out of thing air even if overtime is offered so not all locations could be permanently guarded.

- Overwatch had a partially obscured sight line to the shooting location, making suspect identification harder until they had moved over to the west side of the roof

- When the overwatch sniper did identify the target, USSS protocol required confirmation from the ground team before engaging unless shots have been fired.

The report is going to be mostly boring, with established protocol or manpower circumstance explaining a lot of the things being currently questioned. There will likely be some human error elements in there as well that will be turned into a fresh round of conspiracy theories because Joe Biden and Josh Shapiro conspired to...do something that completely ignores that it was a local kid known to be conservative and not some antifa loon.

Insane to me that this is the first I’m hearing pretty much all the important questions actually being answered about the failures to adequately protect a former President.

Any one article or two you sourced this from that I can read in full?

….also have you seen any information about who was in charge of this USSS security detail management wise, who selected these agents etc? I’m curious if any part of this was a trickle down result of Trump always wanting yes men around him, versus hiring the most competent people possible.

While I’m sure this “entrepreneur” is running a grift that conveniently benefits from selling the idea of “former liberal, current MAGA” to folks on the right.

The overall sentiment of her claims is somewhat of my concern…..how many people who otherwise might have abstained from voting, or do so from an emotional vs logical standpoint, will be activated to get out and vote for him this time around.

Not that i think he’s all of sudden going to win the popular vote or anything…..but just that the overall perception of Trump Strong, Joe Weak….could move the needle in enough in some swing states to be big trouble.
While I’m sure this “entrepreneur” is running a grift that conveniently benefits from selling the idea of “former liberal, current MAGA” to folks on the right.

The overall sentiment of her claims is somewhat of my concern…..how many people who otherwise might have abstained from voting, or do so from an emotional vs logical standpoint, will be activated to get out and vote for him this time around.

Not that i think he’s all of sudden going to win the popular vote or anything…..but just that the overall perception of Trump Strong, Joe Weak….could move the needle in enough in some swing states to be big trouble.

Ya...it's definitely not good that Trump stumbled into the greatest photo-op in US political history