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OT: American Politics

I will say I still think her path is likely the same (MI, PA, WI) and that maybe her strengths are less suited for those tbh.

The idea of a Harris-Shapiro ticket than others have mentioned, does seem like a very appealing idea, for this exact reason.

I think that is probably the move they go with.
What choice did they really have in short order? This was the best possible move, anyone else and the questions start.
The advantage in this is that she is still part of the current administration. So she can run on what has been accomplished and also what else needs to be done. ( a win!)

This was only going to work as a strategy if the Dems were 100% on board with her. That appears to be no issue today.
And don't underestimate the doners here. Not only are the tap running again, it is a waterfall.

You guys probably posted this already…..but it sounds like Beshear and his LtGv would both be replaced by Dems…..while Shapiro’s LtGv would be replaced by a (R).

So maybe Beshear is the most logical choice unless you’re positive Shapiro delivers Penn for you, in a manner that outweighs the above.
The advantage in this is that she is still part of the current administration. So she can run on what has been accomplished and also what else needs to be done. ( a win!)

This was only going to work as a strategy if the Dems were 100% on board with her. That appears to be no issue today.
And don't underestimate the doners here. Not only are the tap running again, it is a waterfall.
What are you talking about though? Apparently our southern border is the most dangerous in the world. Forget Korea or pretty much anywhere in Africa, it's all ours!


Greater good and all, but there would be a local risk/downside of picking Cooper; Mark Robinson (ya THAT Mark Robinson) is Lieutenant Governor and has taken advantage of a "governor leaves the state" bit in the constitution (which was written in a time before emails and video calls, heck probably even phone calls, make governing from wherever you are not an issue) to legally play "acting governor". So, whenever Cooper was campaigning outside NC, you would be able to count on Robinson doing something here to raise his profile for his 2024 election vs Stein, or doing something right-wing-bad as acting Gov. With their gerrymandered veto-proof super-majority in both houses, they don't really need the governor's office to do their evil, but I'm sure they'd take advantage.

They used to be much more important, more like a royal wedding

were they tho?

did anyone care who JFK or Reagan or Carter or Clinton's veeps were during the elections?

I think Cheney was the first really consequential veep in terms of impact on policy while in office, but I don't think he mattered much to Bush's election campaign.

Biden was kiinda important for Obama cuz racism....but Obama was kind of a force of nature regardless.

Actually the only veep that might have had an outsized impact on any election might actually be Mike Pence - because he brought all the evangelicals over to the blatantly unchristian Trump.
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You guys probably posted this already…..but it sounds like Beshear and his LtGv would both be replaced by Dems…..while Shapiro’s LtGv would be replaced by a (R).

So maybe Beshear is the most logical choice unless you’re positive Shapiro delivers Penn for you, in a manner that outweighs the above.


Meant to also post this.