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OT: American Politics

It wasn't leftist biast. It was the government directing what was allowed to be said or shared in the public square via the platforms. That's literally government censorship. They'd quite literally tell the companies who to silence, what topics to disallow, etc.
this also happened under Trump.
censored by whom?

I sincerely believe that you and people like you need to pick up a couple of history books and learn about actual authoritarian nightmares.
I have 2 deceased uncles who went to Europe to fight fascism during WW2. My nieces' Paternal great aunts were murdered in concentration camps.

Fascism is a right wing ideology that should have ended once the world was educated about it's horrors.
I have 2 deceased uncles who went to Europe to fight fascism during WW2. My nieces' Paternal great aunts were murdered in concentration camps.

Fascism is a right wing ideology that should have ended once the world was educated about it's horrors.
Every side in that war committed horrors. Canadians were part of the royal air force that bombed Hamburg to hell to kill civilians.
The allies intentionally and knowingly turned away croatian and latvian armies in Austria who were seeking to run away from the soviet regime after WW2. They knew by turning them away and returning them to the the soviets that the soviets would simply kill all of them, which they did, and the allies still handed them over.

The Soviet left wing communism was probably more destructive than right wing fascism in the 20th century (not that it's a measuring contest, but just proving that any side of the extreme is equally destructive) and it's ok to think both were horrific.
Teaching the Bible as truth == Teaching respect for others' differences and decency in the face of diversity. Got it.
1. The bible is the important and impactful philosophical document of all time and thus to include it in classrooms is pertinent. To understand American history and the greatest government document ever written you must understand the impact of Christianity on the founding documents and founding fathers.
2. Current social causes and movements are not in any way remotely similar to important historical context and documents.
1. The bible is the important and impactful philosophical document of all time and thus to include it in classrooms is pertinent. To understand American history and the greatest government document ever written you must understand the impact of Christianity on the founding documents and founding fathers.
How can a book that claims there are 10 months in a year and that the earth is 8,000 years old have any historical value?
And how is forcing a religion on people, who do not want to accept it, be pertinent?
How can a book that claims there are 10 months in a year and that the earth is 8,000 years old have any historical value?
And how is forcing a religion on people, who do not want to accept it, be pertinent?
1. The bible is the important and impactful philosophical document of all time and thus to include it in classrooms is pertinent. To understand American history and the greatest government document ever written you must understand the impact of Christianity on the founding documents and founding fathers.
See last post. You can study a religious book from a philosophical perspective, especially if you want to look at it from a sociological, civilization-advancing perspective. It does not mean you are thus following the religion.
1. The bible is the important and impactful philosophical document of all time and thus to include it in classrooms is pertinent. To understand American history and the greatest government document ever written you must understand the impact of Christianity on the founding documents and founding fathers.
2. Current social causes and movements are not in any way remotely similar to important historical context and documents.

Setting the point aside for a second that it's a total grift,

View: https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1842222337006940416

and the obvious violation of the Establishment Clause of the Constitution,

See last post. You can study a religious book from a philosophical perspective, especially if you want to look at it from a sociological, civilization-advancing perspective. It does not mean you are thus following the religion.
that ain't what Walters is doing. This is not a "World Religions" or "History of Christianity" humanities elective.... *in elementary school*, dude. Walters has said all teachers will TEACH out of the Bible or be fired.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.

Thomas Jefferson.
This is not a "World Religions" or "History of Christianity" humanities elective.... *in elementary school*, dude. Walters has said all teachers will TEACH out of the Bible or be fired.
"Though Walters has frequently said he wants Bibles in every classroom, he has also clarified publicly that he wants them in classes where the Bible might apply to academic standards, such as history or literature."
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.

Thomas Jefferson.
I must have missed the law that established an official religion or prohibited the free exercise thereof.
I must have missed the law that established an official religion or prohibited the free exercise thereof.
The bible is the (word missing) important and impactful philosophical document of all time and thus to include it in classrooms is pertinent.