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OT: American Politics

Absolutely everything he says is projection...
He's called her a criminal, stupid, incomprehensible, and a lot more.
Every thing that he is. It's crazy
All part of the

strategy... when he (accurately) gets accused of those things, that whole topic just becomes both-sides white noise to everyone, and his followers already think he's the only source of truth anyway... #cult
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Cool, but it's a bad history book and at best a deeply unconventional piece of literature. If it's deemed a work of historical non fiction it lacks any of the rigor and scholarship applied to any other history book. If it's deemed fiction and lumped in with things like Homer's Oddysey, etc...then sure, whatever but even then it's not really a coherent narrative. More of a collection of unsourced essays by authors recounting events that happened dozens to hundreds of years before they were born.

It's influence is obviously impressive but I don't think the idea behind having it "in every classroom" is for it to be taught critically on either side of that.

I love that there is 3 different creation stories in it.

If they teach about writer j and writer p then it would be a cool class