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OT: American Politics

be specific - what is the activity that takes place in public schools that you are objecting to?

because this whole 'sex changes without parental consent' shtick is completely made up!

if you're going to oppose policies, maybe oppose policies that actually exist? instead of policies made up in your head?

(that was the sound of the point I was making in my post going right over your head)

also, I did not comment at all on the implications of divorce on kids. just noted she was raised by a single mom as a visible minority - both of which are factual statements.
Minorities have no problem getting into law school despite much lower test scores on average than non-minorities. Hardly a disadvantage.
Yes you prefer your children to live in ignorance i mean innocence so that the preachers can do their thing.
I prefer to have control of what my children are exposed to and when they are exposed to it. What kind of communist can disagree with that? The state doesn't own your children or your household. Or at least, shouldn't.
okay, so you haven't answered my question. I asked you what specifically you object to. you provided three links.

but, since I'm feeling generous today, I will provide some English-->FlyGuy translation services.

The NPR article talks about how California barred states from requiring schools to notify parents when their kids change their pronouns. are you suggesting that when a kid changes their pronouns, this amounts to a 'sex change without parental consent'?

also, you understand that a school has... no control over the pronouns a student uses? so their disclosure, or not, about the pronouns, has no impact on an individual's gender identity. this is fairly simple stuff but your posts suggest you do not understand this concept, so I think we need to start here.

you also posted the text of a California bill - I'm not clear which parts of it you object to, if any. please be specific.

the CNBC article is about how gender affirmation is now a factor in determining child custody. what about this do you oppose? if one parent affirms their child's gender identity, and the other one does not, you think the child is better served with the one that does not?

and if your answer to my previous question is "yes", do you accept that gender dysphoria is a medical condition? or do you think people can "pray the trans away", like they tried with gay people?
Minorities have no problem getting into law school despite much lower test scores on average than non-minorities. Hardly a disadvantage.
ehhh pretty sure you're just making this shit up. if I have time, I'll find some numbers.

certainly not the case in Canadian law schools, aside from Ryerson.
I prefer to have control of what my children are exposed to and when they are exposed to it. What kind of communist can disagree with that? The state doesn't own your children or your household. Or at least, shouldn't.
sounds like you oppose public education.

how do you think kids should be educated? by the church? we tried that, and there was a LOT of pedophilia. still is, for that matter...
I prefer to have control of what my children are exposed to and when they are exposed to it. What kind of communist can disagree with that?
You wouldn't understand communism even if were a person and they knocked on the door to your cave and introduced themselves.

"Communism" is a euphemism for anything that the right doesn't like, agree with, or understand. ( as opposed to the political ideology that we all disagree with)

Much like the incorrect use of "unconstitutional"
And communism is not a synonym for socialism either.
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Not even fucking remotely close to what is being said….

Kids go to school.
They are being taken.
They are being given a sex change operation.
They are then sent home.

You think this is what is going on in schools across your country?
Teachers don't have to tell parents about kids changing gender identity at school.
okay, so you haven't answered my question. I asked you what specifically you object to. you provided three links.

but, since I'm feeling generous today, I will provide some English-->FlyGuy translation services.

The NPR article talks about how California barred states from requiring schools to notify parents when their kids change their pronouns. are you suggesting that when a kid changes their pronouns, this amounts to a 'sex change without parental consent'?

also, you understand that a school has... no control over the pronouns a student uses? so their disclosure, or not, about the pronouns, has no impact on an individual's gender identity. this is fairly simple stuff but your posts suggest you do not understand this concept, so I think we need to start here.

you also posted the text of a California bill - I'm not clear which parts of it you object to, if any. please be specific.

the CNBC article is about how gender affirmation is now a factor in determining child custody. what about this do you oppose? if one parent affirms their child's gender identity, and the other one does not, you think the child is better served with the one that does not?

and if your answer to my previous question is "yes", do you accept that gender dysphoria is a medical condition? or do you think people can "pray the trans away", like they tried with gay people?
You agree that if a kid appears to be suicidal that a teacher should tell the students? Should mental health concerns that appear at school not be reported to the parents? Why not?

"Under the proposed law, parents, who fail to acknowledge and support their child's gender transition, could face potential consequences, including the loss of custody rights to another parent or even the state itself."

I have an enormous issue with this. So a school will refuse to let a parent know their kid is going through this mental health crisis, and then when it reaches a peak and the kid wants to cut off their dick, if the parents refuse they could lose their kid to the state.

The power you people want the state to have over people's families is absurd. I will never give up my right to be a parent to my child.
sounds like you oppose public education.

how do you think kids should be educated? by the church? we tried that, and there was a LOT of pedophilia. still is, for that matter...
I didn't, but I do now, yeah.

By their parents, grandparents, community leaders, or teachers without ideological agendas.
You do not have the right to be the parent to my child. That's what this comes down to. People like you in this thread who think they are better equipped to be the parent for a child that you know nothing about via the state .
You wouldn't understand communism even if were a person and they knocked on the door to your cave and introduced themselves.

"Communism" is a euphemism for anything that the right doesn't like, agree with, or understand. ( as opposed to the political ideology that we all disagree with)

Much like the incorrect use of "unconstitutional"
And it is not a synonym for socialism either.
The irony is palpable.