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OT: American Politics

Teachers don't have to tell parents about kids changing gender identity at school.

You agree that if a kid appears to be suicidal that a teacher should tell the students? Should mental health concerns that appear at school not be reported to the parents? Why not?
what does this have to do with a kid's gender identity?
"Under the proposed law, parents, who fail to acknowledge and support their child's gender transition, could face potential consequences, including the loss of custody rights to another parent or even the state itself."
okay. what's your point?
I have an enormous issue with this. So a school will refuse to let a parent know their kid is going through this mental health crisis, and then when it reaches a peak and the kid wants to cut off their dick, if the parents refuse they could lose their kid to the state.
to be clear, are you equating a child who is trans, or has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, as "going through a mental health crisis".

if so, we've identified the root of the problem - you're just anti-trans!
The power you people want the state to have over people's families is absurd. I will never give up my right to be a parent to my child.
uh the state can already take your child away from you. there's no change to that. again, it seems like you don't fully understand how existing laws work at present (and have for years).

if you're just anti-trans, which it seems like you are, why do this stupid dance? why not just come out and say it? you think that transgender children are actually just mentally ill. so say that, instead of wasting our time pretending otherwise. obviously, if you think a medical condition is equal to an illness, you will have radically different views as to how the state can best support transgender kids.

you think they're a scourge, which is why you seem to oppose anything that will humanize them or help the kids. I hope for your children's sake that you evolve sooner than later.
I didn't, but I do now, yeah.

By their parents, grandparents, community leaders, or teachers without ideological agendas.
lol, you have your own ideological agenda!

so you're basically proposing everyone home school their kid. which means that the workforce is cut nearly in half.

that's really gonna help your economy. just brilliant, practical, realistic, stuff.
what does this have to do with a kid's gender identity?

okay. what's your point?

to be clear, are you equating a child who is trans, or has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, as "going through a mental health crisis".

if so, we've identified the root of the problem - you're just anti-trans!

uh the state can already take your child away from you. there's no change to that. again, it seems like you don't fully understand how existing laws work at present (and have for years).

if you're just anti-trans, which it seems like you are, why do this stupid dance? why not just come out and say it? you think that transgender children are actually just mentally ill. so say that, instead of wasting our time pretending otherwise. obviously, if you think a medical condition is equal to an illness, you will have radically different views as to how the state can best support transgender kids.

you think they're a scourge, which is why you seem to oppose anything that will humanize them or help the kids. I hope for your children's sake that you evolve sooner than later.
Holy shit
You do not have the right to be the parent to my child. That's what this comes down to. People like you in this thread who think they are better equipped to be the parent for a child that you know nothing about via the state .
again, the state can take your kid away from you now. there are already laws that allow that. you seem to have no issue with them though, which is strange.

the CA law appears to make a very minor change by simply adding one FACTOR that is CONSIDERED on custody applications.

not really a dramatic change at all.

child protection laws change over time to reflect changes in society. fortunately, we now better understand transgenderism and gender dysphoria.
not sure you could pay me enough to be a teacher these days. one side of the political spectrum seems to have made them into total villains pushing all sorts of vile shit about them, groomers etc.

oh but they should also definitely give them guns to fend off kids with AR-15s. obviously.
Her mother was a scientist and her father a professor. Hardly blue collar, low-paying jobs.

Understand perfectly well how political machines work in certain areas of the country.
Her parents divorced when she was a kid and she went to the same Montreal high school as Count with all the other lower class anglophone Untermenschen. Her mother was a non-white scientist in a field dominated by men. She was not low-paid but she was far from well-paid either. I have an aunt who was a professor at a university in Connecticut for 35 years. For the first 20 of them she drove a 1965 Volvo that she received as a gift. Then when it died she bought an 84 Chevy Chevette. At no time did she ever own real estate. I don't know what makes you think that people who teach or do research in universities are rich but trust me, they aren't. You may have to be rich to go to university these days, but you never had to be rich to give lectures or wash out test tubes in them.
No. Man someone you people actually need to live among non-liberals at some point.
I've got lots of conservative friends. Some of them do not believe that "white privilege" exists. Many of them are anti-trans. We can respectfully disagree with each other about politics and still have healthy and fulfilling friendships, but then again we seem to live in the same shared reality.

Do you interact with anyone outside your MAGA bubble in real life?
why are you pretending not to be anti-trans? I thought you would proudly display your bigotry for all to see, since you believe it is supported by your religious views, and not bigotry, but righteousness.
I believe the vast majority of people who get irreversible gender surgery and take hormone altering medication are more unhappy in the long run. That is my view. I think nature and natural states are most healthy and harmonious and taking such barbaric measures to a persons natural bodily state is not healthy.
not sure you could pay me enough to be a teacher these days. one side of the political spectrum seems to have made them into total villains pushing all sorts of vile shit about them, groomers etc.

oh but they should also definitely give them guns to fend off kids with AR-15s. obviously.
I have a couple teacher friends and the stories they have told (mostly about the parents they deal with) are.... yeah... shocking, upsetting, and off-putting. Pretty thankless (and underpaid) profession.