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OT: American Politics

I don’t recall where I said parents shouldn’t be allowed to handle their kids mental issues as they want
see, you're just denying trans existence again. this is your original sin in this conversation, and colours everything else you contribute.

if you don't accept trans folks are worthy of living healthy, fulfilling, and safe lives, obviously you oppose them having proper healthcare.
see, you're just denying trans existence again. this is your original sin in this conversation, and colours everything else you contribute.

if you don't accept trans folks are worthy of living healthy, fulfilling, and safe lives, obviously you oppose them having proper healthcare.
Projecting, again. Kids do not have the mental maturity (literally) to make these decisions.
No. Man someone you people actually need to live among non-liberals at some point.
I do. I am practically surrounded by them. There's a megachurch down the street from where I live. If it were up to me I'd have Child Protective Services take away kids from any parent who forced them to believe in some imaginary friend in the sky who watches them while they masturbate. All churches need to be taxed into extinction and all pastors need to be investigated because churches are where you inevitably find the kiddy diddlers, not at drag queen story time in the public library.
Projecting, again. Kids do not have the mental maturity (literally) to make these decisions.
how can we have a good faith argument when you simply reject the validity of the science and research on this issue?

I don't know how to hammer this into your head, but it is not "a decision". No kid wakes up and "decides" to be trans. just like no one wakes up and decides, 'well golly gee, I'm gonna be gay on this beautiful Wednesday'. human sexuality is not a conscious decision. that's why praying the gay away doesn't fucking work!

you have simply decided that you know better than scientists (because your religious leaders said so?).

where in your holy book does it say you should hate trans people? and/or gay people. feel like we need to get to the very root of this allegedly religiously-proscribed bigotry to fully understand it (and hopefully, help you overcome it!)
I believe the vast majority of people who get irreversible gender surgery and take hormone altering medication are more unhappy in the long run. That is my view. I think nature and natural states are most healthy and harmonious and taking such barbaric measures to a persons natural bodily state is not healthy.
And the rest of us think that what you think is irrelevant. I'll say the same thing to you about transgenderism as I'll say about abortion. If you don't agree with transgenderism, don't get a sex change operation. If you don't like abortion, feel free not to have one. But don't presume to tell others that they can't and stop pretending that the reason you want them banned is because of your sudden love and concern for strangers. All you MAGA Christofascists care about is control. Not one other thing.
how can we have a good faith argument when you simply reject the validity of the science and research on this issue?

I don't know how to hammer this into your head, but it is not "a decision". No kid wakes up and "decides" to be trans. just like no one wakes up and decides, 'well golly gee, I'm gonna be gay on this beautiful Wednesday'. human sexuality is not a conscious decision. that's why praying the gay away doesn't fucking work!

you have simply decided that you know better than scientists (because your religious leaders said so?).

where in your holy book does it say you should hate trans people? and/or gay people. feel like we need to get to the very root of this allegedly religiously-proscribed bigotry to fully understand it (and hopefully, help you overcome it!)
Why shouldn't right wing rabbit holes merit the same value as facts?
have you considered the alternative, which is that you are just blissfully ignorant without a shred of self-awareness?
Nope. I’m hardheaded in my worldview, I acknowledge, but im accepting of people despite my disagreement with them. Had a gay roommate who was a great guy. Have a gay friend who has a husband and two kids (1 adoption, 1 surrogate). Wish them nothing but the best and get along great.
I have a couple teacher friends and the stories they have told (mostly about the parents they deal with) are.... yeah... shocking, upsetting, and off-putting. Pretty thankless (and underpaid) profession.
My brother teaches primary school for the TDSB. The worst kids in the class inevitably have shit parents who love Doug Ford.