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OT: American Politics

No, when I was 12 I was in my final year of being an altar boy. 40 years later I discovered that the priest with whom I served Mass had raped one of my fellow altar boys The priest had passed away by then but when the guy sued the Archdiocese and his lawyers got into the records, they discovered that this piece of shit had been diddling kids since he was in the seminary and that there were concerns about his behavior even back then. But instead of nipping it in the bud they sent him on his merry way and he spent the next 40 years moving from one parish to the next abusing vulnerable boys who were inevitably from broken homes or in need of a father figure in their lives.

In the affidavit it was revealed that my former fellow altar boy was taken to the priest's summer cottage near Orillia (I had also been to that cottage, although never alone) and he was sodomized and raped by the priest and 3 of his pedo buddies. The kid grew up but had lots of problems which led to addiction issues and brushes with the law. His life was ruined by this "godly" man and he earned every penny of the over $2 million that the Archdiocese was forced to pay out.

If you're worried about kids being "indoctrinated". forget schools. Go after churches. Eliminating organized religion will solve 90% of all the problems we have in this world.
That anecdote is certainly terrible. The church definitely had a problem with that. Very sick.
That is a frightening story. Thank you for sharing it.
Only finding out about it decades later really gave me pause. "There, but for the grace of God" and all that, because you know this kid wasn't his only victim; not by a long shot.

Ironically, I got to know this priest better as a teenager when he would often spend time with family friends of ours. He was no longer our parish priest and was pretty much retired at that point. He was an alcoholic and had spent time in the seminary down near the Scarborough bluffs to dry out. He was curmudgeonly and could be quite funny in a sarcastic way. But like all men of the cloth there was always something sketchy about him that one could never quite put their finger on. In retrospect I do recall seeing some porn mags in the rectory once but not for long enough to look at them and I pretended not to notice when the priest came in. There were other altar boys around who also caught a glimpse of them. I didn't see them well enough to tell if they were gay porn. I was only 10 and wouldn't have realized what I was even looking at.

I'm quite sure that had my father found out what he was up to while I was serving as an altar boy he would have beaten this priest to within an inch of his life. But the priest was clever. He only went after boys who didn't have a dad at home.
I will slow it down for you.

Name one Republican state that passed a program to feed school children.

I can name 14 that did not.

I'm not poor so idc about this issue. Cursory glance looks like it's a program to give additional welfare to school aged children when they're not in school. Sounds like original welfare policies needs the change if this is truly needed on top of usual welfare benefits.

Like I said, I don't care.
Only finding out about it decades later really gave me pause. "There, but for the grace of God" and all that, because you know this kid wasn't his only victim; not by a long shot.

Ironically, I got to know this priest better as a teenager when he would often spend time with family friends of ours. He was no longer our parish priest and was pretty much retired at that point. He was an alcoholic and had spent time in the seminary down near the Scarborough bluffs to dry out. He was curmudgeonly and could be quite funny in a sarcastic way. But like all men of the cloth there was always something sketchy about him that one could never quite put their finger on. In retrospect I do recall seeing some porn mags in the rectory once but not for long enough to look at them and I pretended not to notice when the priest came in. There were other altar boys around who also caught a glimpse of them. I didn't see them well enough to tell if they were gay porn. I was only 10 and wouldn't have realized what I was even looking at.

I'm quite sure that had my father found out what he was up to while I was serving as an altar boy he would have beaten this priest to within an inch of his life. But the priest was clever. He only went after boys who didn't have a dad at home.
I was an altar boy for a brief spell as well and had no issues. Predators will be predators no matter the organization or environment. The church definitely has a lot off culpability for these horrible stories.
The Chaney and bush's are Republicans even if they don't like trump.

Are the Clinton's nepotism? A political couple who may be more of a marriage of convince than love.
I debated the Clinton inclusion. I'll let you have that one.

Correct, Chaney and Bush's are indeed neocon's.
South Dakota school lunch bill fails to pass. Other states also failed to pass such

I'm not poor so idc about this issue. Cursory glance looks like it's a program to give additional welfare to school aged children when they're not in school. Sounds like original welfare policies needs the change if this is truly needed on top of usual welfare benefits.

Like I said, I don't care.
Of course you don't care.

Not unless it affected you directly. Then you would damn well push people out of the way to get "yours".
I'm not poor so idc about this issue. Cursory glance looks like it's a program to give additional welfare to school aged children when they're not in school. Sounds like original welfare policies needs the change if this is truly needed on top of usual welfare benefits.

Like I said, I don't care.
So you are not a good Christian, eh? Because you don't care about the poor.

Matthew 25:31-40​

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, “I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (NIV)