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OT: American Politics

I do. I am practically surrounded by them. There's a megachurch down the street from where I live. If it were up to me I'd have Child Protective Services take away kids from any parent who forced them to believe in some imaginary friend in the sky who watches them while they masturbate. All churches need to be taxed into extinction and all pastors need to be investigated because churches are where you inevitably find the kiddy diddlers, not at drag queen story time in the public library.
Are you 12?
Nope. I’m hardheaded in my worldview, I acknowledge, but im accepting of people despite my disagreement with them. Had a gay roommate who was a great guy. Have a gay friend who has a husband and two kids (1 adoption, 1 surrogate). Wish them nothing but the best and get along great.
How "liberal" of you.

Two gay people in your past orbit and you want that to justify your current political stance?
Now look up "rationalization"

" I used to have two great gay people in my life, so now I can be an asshole online"
Faith in some religious entity has and will continue to save more people than sex change surgeries and medicine ever will
You literally do not know this, but indoctrinating little kids into all the guilt and rules and world views of evil and good that should be taken as gospel when they don't have the "mental maturity" to decide otherwise, doesn't seem like great parenting according to you.
how can we have a good faith argument when you simply reject the validity of the science and research on this issue?

I don't know how to hammer this into your head, but it is not "a decision". No kid wakes up and "decides" to be trans. just like no one wakes up and decides, 'well golly gee, I'm gonna be gay on this beautiful Wednesday'. human sexuality is not a conscious decision. that's why praying the gay away doesn't fucking work!

you have simply decided that you know better than scientists (because your religious leaders said so?).

where in your holy book does it say you should hate trans people? and/or gay people. feel like we need to get to the very root of this allegedly religiously-proscribed bigotry to fully understand it (and hopefully, help you overcome it!)
Since you’re on your “experts” kick again (because they can never disagree with each other or be wrong or change their view) then I’d say the experts say children’s hormones are weird and they go through stages when they’re young.

I apparently also need to reiterate that I do not actively practice religion since you’re projecting a Bible thumper onto me.

My advocacy for the natural state of human biology is an overarching holistic viewpoint of the world.

I haven’t ruled out recent social trends as a behavioral sink in cities.
You literally do not know this, but indoctrinating little kids into all the guilt and rules and world views of evil and good that should be taken as gospel when they don't have the "mental maturity" to decide otherwise, doesn't seem like great parenting according to you.
The west was literally built on those views.

JFC idk how you guys make these arguments about Christianity like you do. Mind blowing.
Since you’re on your “experts” kick again (because they can never disagree with each other or be wrong or change their view) then I’d say the experts say children’s hormones are weird and they go through stages when they’re young.

I apparently also need to reiterate that I do not actively practice religion since you’re projecting a Bible thumper onto me.

My advocacy for the natural state of human biology is an overarching holistic viewpoint of the world.

I haven’t ruled out recent social trends as a behavioral sink in cities.
So, your "Trump bible" is on backorder too?
Are you 12?
No, when I was 12 I was in my final year of being an altar boy. 40 years later I discovered that the priest with whom I served Mass had raped one of my fellow altar boys The priest had passed away by then but when the guy sued the Archdiocese and his lawyers got into the records, they discovered that this piece of shit had been diddling kids since he was in the seminary and that there were concerns about his behavior even back then. But instead of nipping it in the bud they sent him on his merry way and he spent the next 40 years moving from one parish to the next abusing vulnerable boys who were inevitably from broken homes or in need of a father figure in their lives.

In the affidavit it was revealed that my former fellow altar boy was taken to the priest's summer cottage near Orillia (I had also been to that cottage, although never alone) and he was sodomized and raped by the priest and 3 of his pedo buddies. The kid grew up but had lots of problems which led to addiction issues and brushes with the law. His life was ruined by this "godly" man and he earned every penny of the over $2 million that the Archdiocese was forced to pay out.

If you're worried about kids being "indoctrinated". forget schools. Go after churches. Eliminating organized religion will solve 90% of all the problems we have in this world.
The west was literally built on those views.

JFC idk how you guys make these arguments about Christianity like you do. Mind blowing.
Not according to article 4 of that nasty constitution...

Article. VI.​

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
You're putting this in the context of private business and self-made men/women and their businesses. In government the rules are completely different and nepotism is the rule moreso than an exception.

Self-made women are easy to recognize. Have worked with many impressive women.
Nepotism is more the rule says the side who has a fucking Kennedy
No, when I was 12 I was in my final year of being an altar boy. 40 years later I discovered that the priest with whom I served Mass had raped one of my fellow altar boys The priest had passed away by then but when the guy sued the Archdiocese and his lawyers got into the records, they discovered that this piece of shit had been diddling kids since he was in the seminary and that there were concerns about his behavior even back then. But instead of nipping it in the bud they sent him on his merry way and he spent the next 40 years moving from one parish to the next abusing vulnerable boys who were inevitably from broken homes or in need of a father figure in their lives.

In the affidavit it was revealed that my former fellow altar boy was taken to the priest's summer cottage near Orillia (I had also been to that cottage, although never alone) and he was sodomized and raped by the priest and 3 of his pedo buddies. The kid grew up but had lots of problems which led to addiction issues and brushes with the law. His life was ruined by this "godly" man and he earned every penny of the over $2 million that the Archdiocese was forced to pay out.

If you're worried about kids being "indoctrinated". forget schools. Go after churches. Eliminating organized religion will solve 90% of all the problems we have in this world.
That is a frightening story. Thank you for sharing it.
