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OT: American Politics

I didn't draw a line between the two posts. The context at that point was about party politicians, or at least my understanding was. But truly it feels like a poop slinging contest so it is confusing.

I have stated in so many words that pedophilia has been a big issue the church has not addressed adequately.
"Poop slinging contest" or American election cycle.
Tbh, if we have a thread like this somewhere on the site let me know, but my true interest and passion is nutrition and biomechanics (functional fitness).

I'd much rather talk about that stuff than politics.
A certain percentage of voters, no matter what they say to pollsters, are going to get in that booth, realize their life is pretty sweet right now, and vote for status quo (aka Dems).
If Democrats had a clue as how to message properly, this election wouldn't be close.

"This project was funded by the Biden/Harris infrastructure bill.
______________( insert republican) voted against it."
You know that "world-rocking" look you get from your partner that tells you that you're about to get lucky.

It's nothing like that. There's more numbers involved, and instructions.
You know that "world-rocking" look you get from your partner that tells you that you're about to get lucky.

It's nothing like that. There's more numbers involved, and instructions.
Nothing is hotter than your wife walking around with a thermometer waiting for the 'right now "moment.
Tbh, if we have a thread like this somewhere on the site let me know, but my true interest and passion is nutrition and biomechanics (functional fitness).

I'd much rather talk about that stuff than politics.
If you start talking about the size of players calves, I will think that you are a ghost of a former member.
Nope. I’m hardheaded in my worldview, I acknowledge, but im accepting of people despite my disagreement with them. Had a gay roommate who was a great guy. Have a gay friend who has a husband and two kids (1 adoption, 1 surrogate). Wish them nothing but the best and get along great.
I mean, your posts in this thread clearly disprove your hypothesis.

You are not accepting of trans people, you think they are mentally ill. Pretty fundamental difference there.
Since you’re on your “experts” kick again (because they can never disagree with each other or be wrong or change their view) then I’d say the experts say children’s hormones are weird and they go through stages when they’re young.

I apparently also need to reiterate that I do not actively practice religion since you’re projecting a Bible thumper onto me.

My advocacy for the natural state of human biology is an overarching holistic viewpoint of the world.

I haven’t ruled out recent social trends as a behavioral sink in cities.
not an "experts" kick, but a permanent "support of science" and the scientific method*.

you're the one who said morality is grounded in religious texts, no?

and the 'natural state of human biology' includes transgenderism and gender dysphoria, in case you had not noticed!
I sincerely appreciate the wish of good will bud. Not sure any medical nightmare scenario like that can be prevented by lifestyle choices, but we definitely attempt to live a healthy and active lifestyle so I just have to hope that helps with the pregnancy.
a medical nightmare scenario like that can be prevented by laws and policies that don't punish doctors for providing healthcare to pregnant women