We will definitely get another election. It just won't be real. I can already tell you who's going to win in a landslide. And in 2032? I can tell you who's winning that one, too.personally, i think the next four years will go pretty badly in a way that will directly impact a lot of people who voted for him and that's the only thing that might break the spell. if we get another election.
giving up on american democracy because of this very close election seems pretty weak to me. you're absolutely right that we're at a seriously dangerous inflection point where it all could die. But we're not there until we're ther.
but now is definitely a crucially important time where standing up for principles is more important than it's ever been if there's any chance to save it.
and Joe pussied out to save his piece of shit son a few well earned months in prison. at the worst possible time.
I mean, this just isn't true and that's one of the core problems here. If his last name wasn't Biden he would have been able to negotiate a plea deal on the tax charges and avoided jail time altogether. The gun charge would never have come to light if he wasn't a Biden either because his addiction wouldn't have become publicly known like the 10's of millions of other addicts in the US we've never heard of that no one is double checking the old gun registration paperwork of.
Listen, I reflexively dislike useless nepo twits as well but being a Biden didn't help Hunter through this process, it harmed him.
by American presidential election standards, this was literally one of the very closest in modern historyLosing the popular vote by 2.5 million and the electoral college vote by 80+ is not a “close election”.
disagree about 'eyes wide open'And it’s not like you can possibly consider this an unlucky fluke like 2016. The American public went into this one with eyes wide open about who Trump is and what he represents and put him back in power with a larger margin of victory in the electoral college and a popular mandate this time as well.
Yes, they're called poor people with brown skin.people are behind bars for years for less illegal drug and gun use than Hunter has done.
Losing the popular vote by 2.5 million and the electoral college vote by 80+ is not a “close election”.
people are behind bars for years for less illegal drug and gun use than Hunter has done.
and the only reason we know about any of Hunter's is that his laptop became famous. 10's of millions of people get away with illegal shit every day.
Trump no longer matters. He served his purpose by delivering a mandate to the wonks and oligarchs behind Project 2025. He's just a sideshow now. The real destroying of American democracy will happen behind the scenes, while the media and public are distracted by the Trump clown show. When Trump dies, it won't matter if the spell is broken. It will already be too late to do anything about it.I'm actually more bullish on elections being one of the few "norms" that will continue to stand, mainly because I don't think Trump survives this term and his movement is way less palatable for people without him at the front of it.
Look at the decline we say from Biden over 4 years and with him starting as a pretty healthy, bike riding 78 yr old. Trump's already a rambling mess who can't do anything physically other than stand in place jerking off the air or waddling 10 feet from golf cart to golf ball and back. Father time is undefeated and that fuck hasn't been putting the work in to stave him off at all.
wait, what?
1.5% margin is one of the closest elections of all time.
I've wondered if it's even legal to access someone's laptop even if you are repairing it. It seems greasy to me.and the only reason we know about any of Hunter's is that his laptop became famous. 10's of millions of people get away with illegal shit every day.
If an outright fascist and insurrectionist winning every single swing state plus the popular vote by 2.5 million counts as “close” to you based on the historical context you’re using, and you find that comforting, I’ll leave you to that.
And if you are wrong?I'm actually more bullish on elections being one of the few "norms" that will continue to stand, mainly because I don't think Trump survives this term and his movement is way less palatable for people without him at the front of it.
Look at the decline we say from Biden over 4 years and with him starting as a pretty healthy, bike riding 78 yr old. Trump's already a rambling mess who can't do anything physically other than stand in place jerking off the air or waddling 10 feet from golf cart to golf ball and back. Father time is undefeated and that fuck hasn't been putting the work in to stave him off at all.
And if you are wrong?
No big deal... Right?... Right?
I expect him to last, because unlike Biden, he's not really going to actually care about stuff and stress about the job. He'll let everyone else do all the hard work and he'll just tweet his nonsense from the toilet like always.Gotta play the game like I'm right regardless. It's the door to peaceful transfers of power, and it's the only mechanism available to have enough constitutional power to obstruct and deny the Trump Project 2025 vision.
If Trump was 60 I would be way less bullish on this, but he's not. He's in death's waiting room already.
They tried.. one court disagreed with the other.If Trump's case was thrown out in Florida for not having a senate confirmation of a special prosecutor, why wasn't Hunter's case thrown out for the same reason?
Teachers?? Public school or University?sadly the democracy argument didn't move the needle.
my fantasy football group chat was just a bunch of young male teachers(!?) agreeing trump would be great for them personally so they would've voted for trump (no examples provided) even though some of harris proprosals would've affected them specifically (newborns at home, sick parents to take care of).