Wayward Ditch Pig
What if Harvey’s chicken sandwiches cure covid?
I'd feel safer catching Delta+ right in my dick.
What if Harvey’s chicken sandwiches cure covid?
Are you and Mrs. DP feeling better?so I think I am pissed at NS for the first time in a while. may be seeing the impact of a PC Premier vs. a Liberal.
as of next week, I will be unable to get a PCR test. no matter what.
rapid tests that were being given out for free and now being hoarded.
essentially we are being told we have a testing capacity crisis. to me, that sounds more like a 'resources' crisis, which is within the power of government, but I digress.
anyhow, shifting the strategy to PCRs for the most vulnerable and prioritizing rapid tests for symptomatic folks and close contacts not eligible for PCRs. basically throwing in the towel on testing already and just hoping to protect the hospitals and the vulnerable.
on the one hand I kinda get it. on the other hand there is a part of me that is skeptical that this is anything more than a cost saving exercise from accountant Tim
The hot dogs were always the best thing about Harvey's. The one thing they had that the other chain restaurants like McDonald's, BK and Wendy's didn't.Dude, you could literally get a Harvey's chicken sandwich anywhere in the world.
You'd have so many of them that inevitably you'd get bored one day and try the hot dog.
Saw this retweeted from someone I follow yesterday and man, so true. You're right, PCRs should not be a thing longer term. Expensive and pointless due to the timing quite frankly. Invest in rapid tests, improve their accuracy, and make them widely available and the standard for all to use. I mean if someone is hospitalized with a sickness it would be pretty useful to know whether it's the flu or covid and finding out in 10-15 minutes would probably save some lives! Treatments vary from illness to illness!