Time for me to chime in... after avoiding the plague for 2 years, I finally caught it about a week and a half ago... started feeling really shitty (head cold assortment, chills & low grade fever) on Friday the 25th, had a hunch and started isolating at home and took a self-test at home the next day .. bingo. Fever didn't go above 101 though, was always reduced with OTC meds, and was gone by Tuesday last week. And thankfully no symptoms worse than that.. breathing, O2% was fine, etc.. so doc was satisfied with just 1 TeleHealth visit Sunday, told me to keep doing what I was doing. Felt better and better each day starting around Wednesday, and now other than being tired and still having some drainage, and really tired of these 4 walls in our guest room, pretty much through it.
Wife started feeling bad that Tuesday my fever broke, tested + on Wednesday after a couple - tests before that. She had a really crappy weekend but is starting to come out of it too. Our adult kid still living with us has managed to avoid us, and it, so far (knock wood).
Sucks because we've been 2 of the more careful all along with masking, and still do (KN95) as the mandates here disappear and masking drops to single-digit% levels, we're triple-vaxxed, etc.. Had to have picked it up at the Canes arena (only place we'd really been) Ya drop the mask for just a minute here and there to eat/drink and then back on with it. Sneaky little bastard of a virus. But certainly glad the vax seems to have done its job keeping this from being too rough a ride.