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OT: Movies/TV Shows

Don't listen to the misinformation in this thread. I've eaten at A&W many times, in both the U.S. and Canada. It is exactly the same anywhere you go. I just had their Corn Dog Nuggets® for lunch today, but please tell me more about how it's different depending on which side of an imaginary border you are on.

Just started watching “Raised by Wolves”, not knowing much about the premise heading into it besides androids raising a small colony of humans.

Not sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t space cultists dressed like medieval crusaders and androgynous, crazy-eyed militant atheist murder-bots flying around in a Jesus Christ pose and liquifying people by screaming at them.
Just started watching “Raised by Wolves”, not knowing much about the premise heading into it besides androids raising a small colony of humans.

Not sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t space cultists dressed like medieval crusaders and androgynous, crazy-eyed militant atheist murder-bots flying around in a Jesus Christ pose and liquifying people by screaming at them.

honestly think that's one of the all-time great sci-fi images. makes it worth watching all by itself.

not sure the show built around that amazing image holds up as well, though.
Just started watching “Raised by Wolves”, not knowing much about the premise heading into it besides androids raising a small colony of humans.

Not sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t space cultists dressed like medieval crusaders and androgynous, crazy-eyed militant atheist murder-bots flying around in a Jesus Christ pose and liquifying people by screaming at them.
I liked it
I liked it

Yeah, I don’t dislike it. It’s hooked me in enough that I binged a bunch of episodes over the weekend, and will definitely watch the rest.

It’s just one of the strangest shows I’ve seen in a good long while, is all.
They did a stunt in Tottenham when I was a kid, using dead tracks and an old train...me and my friends got to see lots of the filming, met Super Dave and Byner...great memory
I attended a show taping at the Markham Theatre circa 1987ish. I participated from the audience shouting ‘Take it Away - Mike Walden’. I was given a Super Dave hat and T-Shirt for my troubles. Wish I still had those…. I remember Blue Rodeo was the musical guest, and Regis Philben was there too. I’ll need to try to find it on YT one day…
I'm a little on the fence. He's not my idea of Bruce, and I'm a little tired of this whole "you can do more for Gotham" comment from everyone around him because they don't know any better. I'm definitely eager to see it and hope it's better than the trailers.
That A&W menu looks like one from an airport or roadside gas-stop where they have a condensed menu from recognizable brands. In Canada I would compare it to the Pizza Hut/KFC combo you see in some small Ontario towns. Take-out only, and the pizzas may or may not be pre-made and cooked from frozen.