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OT: Movies/TV Shows

It's a guy bragging that he is "better" than enjoying a fun form of entertainment. Again, I don't even like comic book shit but the rant was just pretentious and obnoxious. And not comedy. Isn't he a comedian?
Again, he's not talking about comic book "likers", he's talking about comic book "lifers".
Maher wasn't talking about people who merely "like" them. He was referring to people who make it their life so as to avoid being adults who do adult things like work or live somewhere other than their mom's basement. There is an epidemic in North America of people (mostly men) who never even bother trying to get their shit together. They are featured in damn near every single Kevin Smith movie, the loser 30-something guy who's still playing video games 8 hours a day and hanging out with other losers he's known since high school. At a certain point these people become objects of pathos. It's a pandemic of arrested adolescence that does not bode well for the future.

Hate to break it to you, but there's always been men who are perfectly happy doing the bare minimum to get by without a ton of ambition. Video games and comics didn't create that.
You post on an internet message board and dedicate your entire life to hate watching a particular hockey team. There is absolutely no difference between that and loving comic books.
I don't dedicate my life to it. My internet usage hasn't cost me a real relationship or a job. And if the internet disappeared tomorrow my life wouldn't change much.

Now do 30-something dude playing video games for 8 hours a day in mom's basement. That's literally his entire existence. Take that away and he may as well not exist. He's completely incapable of functioning in the real world. These are the people Maher is talking about. The clueless idiots who are unprepared for life.
Hate to break it to you, but there's always been men who are perfectly happy doing the bare minimum to get by without a ton of ambition. Video games and comics didn't create that.

The irony is that to the sensibilities of past generations, Maher was exactly what he' railing against here. Someone who put off growing up to smoke weed and tell jokes all day.
He's good at ranting, and arguing, and setting up other people to rant and argue. He's just not funny.
I saw him live (ironically the day before JT was elected the first time in 2015) and he was plenty funny (although he did threaten to have someone removed for taking flash photography when he first came on stage. And even then, while he never made any jokes about Trudeau, he didn't exactly give him any encouragement, despite the fact that he was running against Harper, who you'd think he'd not like at all.
The greatest, but if we’re only talking stand up, he’s not eligible. If we’re not, then him, Short, Martin, Ferrell, Wilder, Pryor, and a host of others, even guys like Arnett and Galafinakis have killed me over the years.
I know I'm a day late and someone else had to say "da fuq" but, da fuq??

Pryor easily belongs on his standup merits alone.
The irony is that to the sensibilities of past generations, Maher was exactly what he' railing against here. Someone who put off growing up to smoke weed and tell jokes all day.
He didn't put off growing up that much. He graduated from an Ivy League university so let's not pretend he was some kind of slacker. He pursued his dreams but he had a fallback plan that was pretty solid.
I don't dedicate my life to it. My internet usage hasn't cost me a real relationship or a job. And if the internet disappeared tomorrow my life wouldn't change much.

Now do 30-something dude playing video games for 8 hours a day in mom's basement. That's literally his entire existence. Take that away and he may as well not exist. He's completely incapable of functioning in the real world. These are the people Maher is talking about. The clueless idiots who are unprepared for life.
Why does it bother you that people choose to live their life in a particular way? I'm sure Maher would look down on you for aggressively hating millionaires who wear a particular colour while swinging sticks around at a rubber disc. But who cares? Why does he care so much about what people do? And why does he act like he's above that?
Why does it bother you that people choose to live their life in a particular way? I'm sure Maher would look down on you for aggressively hating millionaires who wear a particular colour while swinging sticks around at a rubber disc. But who cares? Why does he care so much about what people do? And why does he act like he's above that?

And why does he think its funny?
Why does it bother you that people choose to live their life in a particular way? I'm sure Maher would look down on you for aggressively hating millionaires who wear a particular colour while swinging sticks around at a rubber disc. But who cares? Why does he care so much about what people do? And why does he act like he's above that?
Because that's what people do when they have a political/social satire talk show. They rant about shit. He's been doing this schtick for over 2 decades now, in addition to his stand-up, which he also does regularly. People are buying what he's selling. His formula works. It has mass appeal. His audience is full of woke lefties who agree with him on 75% of the issues and he refuses to pander to them in order to align with them on the other 25%. And, proving what he says about how butthurt and thin-skinned the woke is, he gets roasted whenever he dares to have an opinion that isn't "correct" (which, of course, has always been his schtick) He rants against the morbid obesity and unhealthy lifestyles of a large segment of the American population and the woke get offended and say he's "fat shaming". But everything he says on the subject is 100% accurate. Obesity is the biggest health problem in the United States that no one dares talk about because the woke has decided that fat should be celebrated instead of criticized, even if it's not healthy. Maher makes a living from pointing out hypocrisy like this, and saying things that others think but dare not say.
Because that's what people do when they have a political/social satire talk show. They rant about shit. He's been doing this schtick for over 2 decades now, in addition to his stand-up, which he also does regularly. People are buying what he's selling. His formula works. It has mass appeal. His audience is full of woke lefties who agree with him on 75% of the issues and he refuses to pander to them in order to align with them on the other 25%. And, proving what he says about how butthurt and thin-skinned the woke is, he gets roasted whenever he dares to have an opinion that isn't "correct" (which, of course, has always been his schtick) He rants against the morbid obesity and unhealthy lifestyles of a large segment of the American population and the woke get offended and say he's "fat shaming". But everything he says on the subject is 100% accurate. Obesity is the biggest health problem in the United States that no one dares talk about because the woke has decided that fat should be celebrated instead of criticized, even if it's not healthy. Maher makes a living from pointing out hypocrisy like this, and saying things that others think but dare not say.
Yeah, that's why I don't like him. He's both unfunny and unlikable. I'm not obese and I don't like comic books, but I don't find it entertaining to listen to people talk down to them. And hey, maybe it's possible that someone could make those topics funny, but it's neither funny nor enlightening when he does it.

But you're right. He makes a living out of talking down to people who he feels aren't on his level. Which isn't comedy really, but clearly there is a market for that type of personality. It's not for me though.
He didn't put off growing up that much. He graduated from an Ivy League university so let's not pretend he was some kind of slacker. He pursued his dreams but he had a fallback plan that was pretty solid.

No wife, no kids, heavy weed smoker who just wanted to tell jokes and party. 65 yr olds were looking down their nose at him in his youth just like he is now.

Most of the people he's ranting about here aren't slackers either.
Off the top of my head

Top 5 comics
Eddie Murphy
George Carlin
Dave Chappelle
Jim Gaffigan
Joan Rivers

Top 5 comedians
Martin Short
Steve Martin
Bill Murray
Jim Carrey
Chris Farley

Top 5 funniest women
Tina Fey
Joan Rivers
Kristan Wiig
Carrol Burnett
Kate Mackinnon