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OT: Movies/TV Shows

Midway was better although also sensationanlized.
that's cuz plane dogfights are awesome!

in retrospect there's just so many way too mediocre war movies from back then. it's amazing that you can keep stumbling on war movies with epic casts that you never heard of.
I only got excited about Nolan's Batman.
Me too. I'll give anything directed by Nolan a shot. A lot of people dislike his style (like the way I'm not a fan of Tim Burton's style) but for me the arguments about Nolan center on whether or not the viewer wants to do the work or just wants a movie spoon fed to them. Nolan is the kind of director who requires his audience to do some of the heavy lifting and actually think while they're watching. But some people go to movies simply because the theater is air conditioned. They just want something that's linear, easy to digest and that requires little to no brain power. If you're only going to the movie for the popcorn, a Christopher Nolan film isn't for you.
Because back in the day, the idea that grown-assed men would still be reading comic books and dressing like 10 year old's was unthinkable. They naturally assumed that these comic books would be read only by kids. They also assumed that these kids would grow up and get jobs, putting away childish things like comic books. They never could have imagined multiple generations of grown ass men slacking their way through life while wearing images of their childhood comic book heroes on every t-shirt they owned. These comic book franchises make a fortune because there are millions of adults who live in a state of arrested adolescence the likes of which a young Stan Lee could not have predicted.

love the arrogance from guys like you and LoF who are so blissfully unaware that they're fanboys for big budget hollywood schlock that appeals to the very same childish make believe impulses that they're trying to talk down to.
Midway was better although also sensationalized
Are we talking about the Charlton Heston 1976 version that was filmed in "Sensurround"?

I went to see Midway in a cinema equipped with Sensurround and it was pretty cool for 1976 technology. But the movie itself cheated by using lots of stock gun camera footage from the war rather than actual aerial special effects. It wouldn't pass muster today.
that's cuz plane dogfights are awesome!

in retrospect there's just so many way too mediocre war movies from back then. it's amazing that you can keep stumbling on war movies with epic casts that you never heard of.
The Eagle Has Landed from the same era was a masterpiece. Read the book and saw the movie. Complete fiction but a great movie with a great cast (Caine, Sutherland, Duvall, with Donald Pleasance, Treat Williams and a hilariously over the top Larry Hagman)
Are we talking about the Charlton Heston 1976 version that was filmed in "Sensurround"?

I went to see Midway in a cinema equipped with Sensurround and it was pretty cool for 1976 technology. But the movie itself cheated by using lots of stock gun camera footage from the war rather than actual aerial special effects. It wouldn't pass muster today.
Which is what made it cool

Where were you raised? The moon?
platoon doesn't hold up as well as i wanted it to, even though i actually like Oliver Stone movies.

full metal jacket holds up amazingly well. even it's weaker 2nd half is still fantastic. Kubrick don't miss.
I loved both of these films, although FMJ is actually two films in one. The first one (boot camp) is a tour de force and very Kubrickian. The second one (in country) is kind of pedestrian and formulaic.

That was my main quibble about Saving Private Ryan. For all of its visceral impact, it still held on to some shop-worn war movie tropes. I mean is it mandatory that every platoon in the US Army have at least one guy from Brooklyn and one corn fed country bumpkin in it? But then you remember that it's a Spielberg movie and Spielberg loves his cliches. Star Wars, as I said earlier, is just a cowboys and indians two-reeler with lasers. The settings change but the stories tend to all be kind of similar.
Which is what made it cool

Where were you raised? The moon?
Inserting stock footage is a cheat that practically screams "We were too cheap to pay for real special effects". It gives the film a made-for-TV movie look. 1969's Battle of Britain had a few obvious mediocre special effects in it but the aerial dogfight scenes were much more realistic than anything in Midway, probably because they used real planes in them.

Also, if you ever see a WW2 movie featuring aerial combat involving the Japanese, keep in mind that the Japanese planes often had no radio communication equipment. Hard as it is to believe, Japanese electronics didn't get good until the 70's. During the war, their radio sets were garbage and extremely heavy so most pilots simply had them removed and communicated with each other using hand signals. So if you see a film where the Japanese pilots are communicating with each other over radios like their US counterparts consider it a continuity error.
yes sci fi movies just replaced cowboy movies. no shame in that. cowboy movies could also be both childish and awesome, even at the same time.

first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan is still the best war sequence ever filmed so i watch it now and then but rarely the whole movie. braveheart action sequences are also top notch war movie sequences.

The action is so sanitized and slow in the older war movies that it's hard for me to take many of them seriously. None of them hold up action-wise. Actually wait that's not true - there's some submarine flicks which work damn well. i guess because submarine fighting doesnt need to be hand to hand bloody to be realistic. Das Boot is great and i've seen a couple others that ar great too.

Thin Red Line is pretty perfect come to think of it - relentless actual war and fighting action but as introspective and metaphorical as the likes of Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket too.
that's cuz plane dogfights are awesome!

in retrospect there's just so many way too mediocre war movies from back then. it's amazing that you can keep stumbling on war movies with epic casts that you never heard of.
It was also the few movies with the "sensurround" gimmick (assuming people are talking about the 1976 version of Midway; I haven't seen the more recent version (2019?))
It was also the few instances with the "sensurround" gimmick (assuming people are talking about the 1976 version of Midway; I haven't seen the more recent version (2019?))
Yeah I saw 2 films that had Sensurround; Midway and a disaster flick called "Earthquake". When the planes would take off from the carriers your theater seat would actually shake.