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OT: Movies/TV Shows

Lmao Tolkien literally describes her as the fiercest strongest elf chick of all time .....and you nerds are upset that she is able to use a sword and climb rocks and swim long distances.

Fricken nerdz.

I think you simply aren't familiar enough with the material. painfully out of your depth on this one my guy.
Yeah, that's the lore that I referred to earlier that has to be twisted and beaten within an inch of it's life. Which I thank you for again beating and twisting within an inch of it's life to make your point.

Yeah really gotta twist that "Fierce Fighting Amazonian Man-Maiden" to get to a character that can swing a sword and climb ice and swim.
Yeah really gotta twist that "Fierce Fighting Amazonian Man-Maiden" to get to a character that can swing a sword and climb ice and swim.

There were hundreds of years of wars that occurred right after this event that she took no part in directly. She was a political leader, not a warrior.
Maybe actually read the books, idiot.

This argument has been had all over the internet the last few weeks and it really boils down to Galadriel being tall, athletic and getting mixed up in a kinslaying event as the basis for believing her being a warrior elf of some sort.

She hung out in a protected forest during the war (the proto Lorien of sorts). Then she left the forest for the hidden cave fortress her brother built

Galadriel did not have any significant role in the general course of events in the War of the Jewels, but she might have been well informed of the deaths of her brothers Angrod and Aegnor during the Dagor Bragollach; and of Finrod's, while he was held in captivity by Sauron in the year 465.[23] At some point before the Fall of Nargothrond in 495,[24] she and Celeborn passed over the mountains[6]:357 to Eriador, far from the turmoil of the last years of the First Age.

When you have to omit her husband, her child, smash her 3 brothers (one of whom was high king for a time) into one character and change their meaning to the story, overall fucking about with 1500 years of established Tolkien timeline, you fucked up.

bUt yeR onLy mADd thAt gUrlz KeN cLimB

Fucking clownshoes
Things Galadrel has done in the show:

- led a search/revenge party with extreme stubborness. Is this something the books think she would have done? (quote: "Her pride was unwilling to return, a defeated suppliant for pardon; but now she burned with desire to follow Fëanor with her anger to whatever lands he might come, and to thwart him in all ways that she could.")
- used a sword (Books: "fought fiercely", "most valiant of the Finwe" (finwe having many examples of warriors)
- climbed and swam (Books: "Amazon, athletic feats, Man-Maiden")

how dare they corrupt galadriel with this blatant wokeness.
I'm so fucking enraged about this I'm going to watch the rest of the series. that's how nerd mad I am.

Galadriel is one of the most powerful beings in Middle Earth. This need to portray her as a warrior knight is painful, cringey, and worst of all completely unnecessary. We're mere episodes away from her getting Nenya.

btw zeke that actor who plays her is a towering 5'4

guess Gwendolyn Christie was busy??
She was a political leader, not a warrior.

You can question whether or not she actually participated in hand to hand combat in the book, but there is NO question at all that she physically led many actions - rebellions, defenses, journeys, military movements - she was never ever just a "political leader".
Things Galadrel has done in the show:

- led a search/revenge party with extreme stubborness.

A revenge party....1200 years after the disappearence of the enemy she's looking for.
used a sword

Made elven soldiers look like amateurs and basically one shotted a troll. She didn't just "used a sword", she's being established as a great or the greatest elven warrior. Basically they've taken Glorfindel and made him into Galadriel.

climbed and swam

No qualms with these two things. Jumping out of a boat basically on the coast of Valinor is plenty fucking dumb though, but whatever.
You can question whether or not she actually participated in hand to hand combat in the book, but there is NO question at all that she physically led many actions - rebellions, defenses, journeys, military movements - she was never ever just a "political leader".

This is all brutally, brutally wrong aside from the journey's bit but even that plays up her involvement in Noldor leaving Valinor. Her house was one of 3 houses and her brother was the leader of the house after their father turned back.
A revenge party....1200 years after the disappearence of the enemy she's looking for.
ok, so they have changed the (inconsistent) timelines of the book to streamline the story.
Made elven soldiers look like amateurs and basically one shotted a troll. She didn't just "used a sword", she's being established as a great or the greatest elven warrior.

Only because that's what Tolkien said she was.

"Most Valiant of the House of Finwe"

Other house of finwe chicks include Idril (fights Maeglin with a sword and kills orcs), Aredhel (kills many beasts and crosses Giant Spiders land that your boy Glorfindel was too scared to cross).
This is all brutally, brutally wrong aside from the journey's bit but even that plays up her involvement in Noldor leaving Valinor. Her house was one of 3 houses and her brother was the leader of the house after their father turned back.

no it isn't.

"she fought fiercely against Feanor in defence of her mother's kin"

'Finrod and Galadriel (whose husband was of the Teleri) fought against Feanor in defence of Alqualonde'"

"she fought [sons of Feanor] with Celeborn"

"she with Celeborn fought heroically in defence of Alqualondë against the assault of the Noldor, and Celeborn's ship was saved from them."

"She was the last survivor of the princes and queens who had led the revolting Noldor to Exile".

"Galadriel, the only woman of the Noldor to stand that day tall and valiant among the contending princes"

"Galadriel, coming to Middle-earth as one of the leaders of the second host of the Noldor"

"led by Fingolfin and his sons, and by Inglor and Galadriel the valiant and fair, they dared to pass into the untrodden North,"

you just looked that up.

that's the trouble with debates on here, we've got the internet. there is no chance this convo would have gone like this if the 3 of us were in person.
of course i just looked it up.

"Galadriel, the only woman of the Noldor to stand that day tall and valiant among the contending princes"
"she fought fiercely against Feanor in defence of her mother's kin"

'Finrod and Galadriel (whose husband was of the Teleri) fought against Feanor in defence of Alqualonde'"

"she fought [sons of Feanor] with Celeborn"

"she with Celeborn fought heroically in defence of Alqualondë against the assault of the Noldor, and Celeborn's ship was saved from them."

All the same event that we've already discussed. This is the kinslaying. Yes, she fought there. Hundreds of years of war followed this against Morgoth, she did not fight in those wars. Which would be kind of weird if we're using that event as the basis to establish a warrior character.
"She was the last survivor of the princes and queens who had led the revolting Noldor to Exile".

I've explained this already as well. The "rebellion" or "revolt" was bloodless and other than the kinslaying noted above, involved no fighting. The Valar made no attempt to block the Noldor from leaving aside from Mandos showing up and dropping the prophecy on them (which is when her father decided to stay, to avoid the Doom of Mandos)

and yes...she survived by...not fighting. Her oldest brother was killed after being captured by Sauron (but not killed by Sauron, Finrod fought Morgoth's hound that was stronger than Sauron and died in killing it to save Beren...one of the most important events of the war), her other two brothers were killed 10 years prior to that in one of the last battles of the war against morgoth. The events of this show are 1200+ years later.

While they died, she was chilling with Melian the Maia in an enchanted forest being tutored by the wisest being in middle earth at the time.
"Galadriel, coming to Middle-earth as one of the leaders of the second host of the Noldor"

Yes, the second host and one of the leaders. She was the youngest of 4 siblings in her house, and then the house of high king Fingolfin (her uncle) were the second host.

I'm not sure what the argument is here. Her lore and timeline are well, well established and like I've mentioned already a huge chunk of it has to be cast aside for this show character to exist.
Yes, she fought there.

oh so she fought now.

Which would be kind of weird if we're using that event as the basis to establish a warrior character.

They aren't establishing a warrior character. She literally merely led a hunting party (something she did on more than one occasion in the books). They are fleshing out the history of the character strongly hinted at in the books of a leader of nations with exceptional physical prowess, before she becomes the all powerful wizard we see in LOTR.

I would have been more surprised and disappointed if they tried to play young galadrial as some nerdy delicate princess, which would be totally out of character with the books. We're talking about the greatest Elf of all time here.
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no it isn't.

"she fought fiercely against Feanor in defence of her mother's kin"

'Finrod and Galadriel (whose husband was of the Teleri) fought against Feanor in defence of Alqualonde'"

"she fought [sons of Feanor] with Celeborn"

"she with Celeborn fought heroically in defence of Alqualondë against the assault of the Noldor, and Celeborn's ship was saved from them."

"She was the last survivor of the princes and queens who had led the revolting Noldor to Exile".

"Galadriel, the only woman of the Noldor to stand that day tall and valiant among the contending princes"

"Galadriel, coming to Middle-earth as one of the leaders of the second host of the Noldor"

"led by Fingolfin and his sons, and by Inglor and Galadriel the valiant and fair, they dared to pass into the untrodden North,"

yes... fought using her strong innate magical abilities (which include among other things telepathy), bravery, and leadership etc. not by running up a planted blade and video-gaming trolls etc. She's not Geralt of Rivia. And yeah, I'm sure she could swim like Michael Phelps...this means she's diving into the open ocean full of giant creatures that swim at mach 3 off the coast of Valinor, when she wants to get to Middle Earth? this makes sense to you??

quote me some more stuff you've never seen before zekie.

also I hope you realize that literally none of this shit you cherrypicked there mentions her being a knight in armor or doing ninja flips or whatever the fuck. it mentions her being a leader and a high ranking brave powerful individual etc, none of which is at issue here.