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OT: Movies/TV Shows

yes... fought using her strong innate magical abilities (which include among other things telepathy), bravery, and leadership etc. not by running up a planted blade and video-gaming trolls etc. She's not Geralt of Rivia. And yeah, I'm sure she could swim like Michael Phelps...this means she's diving into the open ocean full of giant creatures that swim at mach 3 off the coast of Valinor, when she wants to get to Middle Earth? this makes sense to you??

quote me some more stuff you've never seen before zekie.

"Galadriel, the only woman of the Noldor to stand that day tall and valiant among the contending princes"

also I hope you realize that literally none of this shit you cherrypicked there mentions her being a knight in armor or doing ninja flips or whatever the fuck. it mentions her being a leader and a high ranking brave powerful individual etc, none of which is at issue here.

as an expert in the books, i'm sure you realize that this exact same thing is true of most of the elven men, too?
I just can't get how someone can read the books and come off with the impression that Galadriel couldn't handle herself in a fight.
And Peter Jackson already made the very smart decision not to make the wizardry too magicky. Any magic used in his movies was very physical anyways, not just wizards casting magic spells.

And why should she be scared of sea monsters? she's fricken galadriel.
and how can Galadriel not be more physically capable than fricken Arwen or Tauriel? she's Galadriel.
"Galadriel, the only woman of the Noldor to stand that day tall and valiant among the contending princes"

"because she was 6'4 and could do a lot of cool magical shit"

as an expert in the books, i'm sure you realize that this exact same thing is true of most of the elven men, too?


not sure where you're going with this zeke, because nobody here called her weak or suggested she should be even though that's what you're arguing.

also, I never said I'm an expert, but I at least have read them many times. this is not exactly some kind of debated fringe lore issue. it's main story type stuff. these are major characters.
not sure where you're going with this zeke, because nobody here called her weak or suggested she should be even though that's what you're arguing.


No one is suggesting that she's not capable of acts of valor. What we're questioning is this whole "scour the landscape in platemail with a sword for 100's of years looking to singlehandedly end Sauron should she come upon him, while severely outclassing elite elven soldiers in her company in fights with massive trolls" character that has been created here.

and they've nerfed her to create this fiction.