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OT: Movies/TV Shows

By the way...

Didn't Alicent have a daughter when they first introduced the kids? I could've sworn there was a blond girl too, but was that somehow Aegon's wife at an early age or something, or did I just imagine it all and she's only just ever had the two boys? Who is Aegon's wife now anyway, presumably a daughter from one of the major houses?

And what was with Jayce's dance with her at the dinner? I didn't understand that move. After the insults, he asks her to dance to rile up Aegon or was there some weird tradition there that I didn't catch?
BTW, that documentary series on Netflix about the Nepal earthquake in 2015 is really good. People filmed it from Everest. Amazing footage. Interesting retelling of what it was like.
I can’t watch these costume drama period piece soaps set in wanker imaginary worlds.
I think in the 2nd film of LOTR trees start talking and I bolted. I'm not opposed to it, but fantasy and superhero movies mean less actual quality mid budget movies we use to get.
That's why Maverick did insane business. people are starving for something other than the same shit released non-stop.

Movies are just so bad right now. I'll see 2-3 that I actually enjoy every year.
Maverick did bonkers business because its an extremely well written, extremely well done....action sequel. Its the exact thing that is taking the oxygen out of the room for mid budget movies. Its not the genres that are the problem, it's Hollywood exec culture thats the problem. They want established IP with a built in fan base to mitigate the financial risk. Nobody loses their job over a 6.2 on imdb, but lose studio money and you'll never work again.
GOT would have been way better with no icy supermen. Trying to make the icy supermen work ruined the show (along with rushed, shit writing).