wait I thought Lonesome Dove was just some cheesy tv show.
Yeah, I did too (in the vein of Medicine Woman, is the mental image I’d always had of it)…..was a fairly faithful adaptation tho, and a big prime-time mini-series event, apparently.
few years ago I learned the novel had won the Pulitzer, so picked it up….and it blew my tits off how brilliant it is….and it’s imo, the quintessential western novel. And one I’ll revisit every few years for as long as I live.
also an instance where the mini-series casting Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones as the two main characters, made reading the novel that much better visualizing them while reading. Especially Duvall, he just is Gus McCrae, whether the TV series existed or not.
I think he’s said it’s his favourite performance of favourite role or something too.