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OT: Movies/TV Shows

Try to separate the artist from the art. I'm no fan of James Woods' politics but his performance in Salvador (directed by Stone) was great.

Also, I don’t even think Stones politics are that horrific….he’s a democratic socialist, who is so on edge about all the sick shit the U.S. has done in the past, that he overcorrects a bit too much….and it leads to him a being susceptible to accepting some dumb shit as truth. (JFK theories, Putin propaganda, etc).

Also he’s pro-nuclear power, and focused his newest doc on the subject, and for me, that absolves almost any wrong doing he may have done in the past. ☢️😎⚛️

I’d also argue his heart is in the right place, and is fighting for what he believes is good….even if he goes off course at times…but I think one of his biggest regrets about US history is that Henry Wallace wasn’t still VP instead of Truman when Rosevelt died…and Wallace was arguably more of a Democratic Socialist than Bernie.

edit: his “film”….‘Ukraine on Fire’ was some pro-Russia bullshit tho, forgot about that.

on the flipside, he did denounce Putins invasion of Ukraine in the moment.
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This is what they should be teaching kids in school about US history.

I think it gets out over its ski’s a little bit at times…..but I’d agree it’s a great supplementary source of history to contrast with what is taught in schools. (The 700+ page book is really great too, highly recommend it).

Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States” could also serve that purpose….again, not perfect, shouldn’t outright replace the history that is taught imo……but should almost be required reading in grade 12 or something where the contrast between the two versions of history are delved into, discussed, debated, etc.

Would make for a superior education, and develop their critical thinking skills.
I think it gets out over its ski’s at times…..but I’d agree it’s a great supplementary source of history to contrast with what is learned in schools. (The 700+ page book is really great too, highly recommend it).

Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States” could also serve that purpose….again, not perfect, shouldn’t outright replace the history that is taught imo……but should almost be required reading in grade 12 or something where the contrast between the history of one’s youth, and that are delved into, discussed, debated, etc.

Would make for a superior education, and develop their critical thinking skills.
It's still way closer to the true story than any US high school textbook (especially whatever one's they're using in Florida right now)
Not only was Oswald not the lone assassin, he didn't fire a shot that day, except the one that killed Officer Tippett (and even that might not be on him)

I’ve considered creating a conspiracy theory debunking thread, and starting it off with JFK…and my rock solid case that Oswald was the lone shooter and acted alone.

I spent years reading all the JFK conspiracy books, watching the docs, etc etc…and while extremely convincing in the moment, and highly entertaining….once you step back and look at all the evidence in totality….It’s a pretty open & shut case imo, that it was Oswald and Oswald alone.
for my personal taste, and what I suspect they go with in the future Bond, I think he’s just too big & broad…not sure how keen he’d be losing all kinds of lean muscle from his shoulders, chest etc…or if he’s too big a star to even consider taking on a role for the next decade plus.

I think they go with someone with far far less star power, a near unknown (that hasn’t led a big movie yet) who is thrilled to take on a decades long role.

Also like zeke’s idea of going younger….you get a 25-28 year old in that role, have a prequel movie of sorts…and then audiences watch him evolve into the 007 we know? That sounds like a winning formula.

ironically tho, in searching “Henry Cavill skinny” to try your theory on, I found this article discussing how his audition for Casino Royale is what convinced him to get serious about his diet/training….turning him into the hulk we know now.

I think he’s the perfect non-star star. If you want most people to know who he is, you say Superman. Even then, the non-comic book lovers won’t really know. And his name certainty hasn’t been enough to carry a film yet on his own. He’s sort of got just the right amount of fame right now.
They need to reboot the franchise more as "007" than "James Bond". James Bond is dead. Someone else now has the designation "007". Let's find out about him or her. (or "them", lol)
I’ve always thought it would be a great story idea for a Bond film to find out that other spies previously held the 007 designation prior to the guy we know as Bond.
I think he’s the perfect non-star star. If you want most people to know who he is, you say Superman. Even then, the non-comic book lovers won’t really know. And his name certainty hasn’t been enough to carry a film yet on his own. He’s sort of got just the right amount of fame right now.

You can’t call the guy who played Superman in billion dollar movies, a non-star, 😂
You can’t call the guy who played Superman in billion dollar movies, a non-star, 😂
That’s what he is though! I love him, huge fan of his. I have a great story about him too. But test it out, ask the average joe, no film buffs or anything, who Henry Cavill is, and most won’t know. You’d have to tell them the guy that played Superman, and then ask what other movie they’ve seen him in, and I bet they probably can’t name anything.

My vote for next bond would be Aaron Taylor-Johnson (had to look up his actual name)….only know him from Bullet Train, but the guy had some of the most insane charisma/star power as I can recall seeing since seeing Chalamet in Call Me By Your Name years ago…


Cleaned up he’s got a good Bond look too.
That’s what he is though! I love him, huge fan of his. I have a great story about him too. But test it out, ask the average joe, no film buffs or anything, who Henry Cavill is, and most won’t know. You’d have to tell them the guy that played Superman, and then ask what other movie they’ve seen him in, and I bet they probably can’t name anything.

I don’t think it makes much difference whether they know his name or point to the bond trailer and say “hey it’s superman!!”….fact he’s been in a handful of films that combined made $3-5 billion…kinda suggests he’s prob pretty well known to movie goers.

That said, Daniel Craig wasn’t a nobody when he got Bond….he wasn’t a star but he’d been in Munich, Road To Perdition, Layer Cake, etc…but obviously not remotely the star Cavill is today.

….regardless I think that’s less an issue than his size. Just doesn’t fit the part of Bond, imo.
I don’t think it makes much difference whether they know his name or point to the bond trailer and say “hey it’s superman!!”….fact he’s been in a handful of films that combined made $3-5 billion…kinda suggests he’s prob pretty well known to movie goers.
Those movies were ensembles. He can’t claim them for himself, and people went for the characters, not really the actors.

Name recognition is probably the primary determinant of whether someone is a big star. If you have to say the guy from that movie, that means the guy isn’t that big of a star. Apart from the DC movies and Witcher, which fit in a very niche genre, he hasn’t been in all that much that was popular. UNCLE wasn’t even a hit. Probably his turn in Mission Impossible is the only other non-DC film that 90% of the moviegoing public would know him from, even then, likely not by name.

He’s awesome but not super huge yet.
Those movies were ensembles. He can’t claim them for himself, and people went for the characters, not really the actors.

Name recognition is probably the primary determinant of whether someone is a big star. If you have to say the guy from that movie, that means the guy isn’t that big of a star. Apart from the DC movies and Witcher, which fit in a very niche genre, he hasn’t been in all that much that was popular. UNCLE wasn’t even a hit. Probably his turn in Mission Impossible is the only other non-DC film that 90% of the moviegoing public would know him from, even then, likely not by name.

He’s awesome but not super huge yet.
I've posted this video before but Russell Crowe recognized him before he made any movies:

regardless I think that’s less an issue than his size.

He's not that big though. He swells up plenty for the superhero stuff, but he's "only" 6 foot 190-200 pounds (which is biggish compared to a lot of these hollywood guys, but not abnormally). Wouldn't be hard to lean him out a bit for Bond.


This is him from Sand Castle, shot between him bulking up for Superman 2, and then again for Justice League & MI
Bond would make him super huge. And he’s said that he wanted it badly when Craig got it. Gotta believe he wants it bad now too.

given he was a nobody, it makes all kinds of sense he was dying to be Bond….now that he’s been Superman, had a billion dollar movie in Superman Vs Batman, and starred in the most watched Netflix series at the time (71 million viewers per Netflix)….I’m guessing the calculus is a bit different for him now…..but maybe not.
given he was a nobody, it makes all kinds of sense he was dying to be Bond….now that he’s been Superman, had a billion dollar movie in Superman Vs Batman, and starred in the most watched Netflix series at the time (71 million viewers per Netflix)….I’m guessing the calculus is a bit different for him now…..but maybe not.
I just think he’s known well in the fantasy and action world, but zero presence in dramas so far, or comedies, or anything else - he’s very niche. I’d bet if asked in private, he’d say he’s feeling very typecast and can’t land those leading man roles in other genres.