Try to separate the artist from the art. I'm no fan of James Woods' politics but his performance in Salvador (directed by Stone) was great.
Also, I don’t even think Stones politics are that horrific….he’s a democratic socialist, who is so on edge about all the sick shit the U.S. has done in the past, that he overcorrects a bit too much….and it leads to him a being susceptible to accepting some dumb shit as truth. (JFK theories, Putin propaganda, etc).
Also he’s pro-nuclear power, and focused his newest doc on the subject, and for me, that absolves almost any wrong doing he may have done in the past.

I’d also argue his heart is in the right place, and is fighting for what he believes is good….even if he goes off course at times…but I think one of his biggest regrets about US history is that Henry Wallace wasn’t still VP instead of Truman when Rosevelt died…and Wallace was arguably more of a Democratic Socialist than Bernie.
edit: his “film”….‘Ukraine on Fire’ was some pro-Russia bullshit tho, forgot about that.
on the flipside, he did denounce Putins invasion of Ukraine in the moment.
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