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OT: Movies/TV Shows

I used to love Colbert on the Colbert Report. He was one of the funniest, most charismatic guys ever. Since he took over Letterman, I don't even know who this guy is. He's a shadow of his former self, and rarely makes me crack a smile, whereas before I was laughing out loud routinely. I thought he was going to be a monster at late night, but he really just sucks.

And I've never found Stewart all that particularly funny. Since seeing that he's one of those self-hating jew types, I like him even less.
Ben Shapiro is a self-hating Jew. Ezra Levant is a self-hating Jew. Lorrie Goldstein is a self-hating Jew. Gad Saad is a self-hating Jew. Melissa Lantsman is a self-hating Jewish lesbian. But Jon Stewart is not a self-loathing anything. He simply doesn't give Israel a free pass for everything just because it's Israel and he recognizes Netenyahu for the fascist he is. Stewart is unafraid to call bullshit on his own. he's woke in the best sense of the word.

As for Colbert, he is a monster at Late Night but his audience is not the same one that he had on Comedy Central in his Colbert persona. Therefore the people who never missed an episode of the Colbert Report aren't necessarily going to love him on CBS. He has to appeal to a broader, older and less hip audience now so it's not going to be as edgy. My octogenarian aunts love the Colbert show. They never watched the Colbert Report, didn't even know it existed and wouldn't have understood the joke had they seen it. Old people are happy with a Johnny Carson wannabe at 11:30pm.
yeah I don't really agree with anything LOF said there, other than the fact that yes, Colbert Report was brilliant, so obviously following up that gig with a much more mainstream late night talk show would be anticlimactic. I don't watch those shows much anymore other than clips on YouTube but Colbert can still be really funny in the monologue and engaging in the interviews.

And I thought this new clip, being an addition to their longstanding "living under the desk" narrative, was really well done.
Ben Shapiro is a self-hating Jew. Ezra Levant is a self-hating Jew. Lorrie Goldstein is a self-hating Jew. Gad Saad is a self-hating Jew. Melissa Lantsman is a self-hating Jewish lesbian. But Jon Stewart is not a self-loathing anything. He simply doesn't give Israel a free pass for everything just because it's Israel and he recognizes Netenyahu for the fascist he is. Stewart is unafraid to call bullshit on his own. he's woke in the best sense of the word.
All that's left is a link to the Osama bin Laden essay and your work here is done.
yeah I don't really agree with anything LOF said there, other than the fact that yes, Colbert Report was brilliant, so obviously following up that gig with a much more mainstream late night talk show would be anticlimactic. I don't watch those shows much anymore other than clips on YouTube but Colbert can still be really funny in the monologue and engaging in the interviews.

And I thought this new clip, being an addition to their longstanding "living under the desk" narrative, was really well done.
His monologues are terrible. And his body language always looks like he knows it too. His interviews are pretty decent, especially when he adds a bit of a human element (because he's a good guy, I do like HIM, and loved the Report, as I said). The overall note I have on his late night gig is that HE doesn't look like he's having fun. He's trudging through it because it's a prestigious well-paid gig, basically the top of the mountain in his line of work. But it's uncreative, boring garbage and I would guess he agrees with me. I wouldn't be surprised to see him retire from it earlier than expected, just being done with the genre and finding something more fun again while he's still young enough to pull it off.
Still nobody like Conan though. There's a guy who always looked like he was having fun, and so it was fun to watch it. I will say at least Fallon looks like he's enjoying himself, Kimmel too in a more understated way. Colbert looks like he sorta may want to kill himself on live tv.
Character or not, he had a spark, liveliness, his wit was on high blast, and he was extra funny. His interactions with guests were off the wall and uber entertaining. He didn't need to dull himself down to a lump of coal just because he went to network tv.

Coney was great the whole while. Even his podcast is a great listen, even though I've only listened to a handful because I'm not really a podcast guy.
Being disappointed in Colbert's talk show persona because he's not the same as a fictional character he played is like being disappointed in Arnold's performance as governor because you thought you voted for the Terminator.
That's a dumb comment. He's conducting interviews in a jokey, witty, and charismatic way on CR, while he talks to people on Late Night like he's a fish pulled out of the water hanging on a hook with the life slowly seeping out of him.
rarely watch "live tv" so I may be mistaken ... but can't find the Daily Show anywhere. With the insane rates that Rogers / Bell charge, and 200 fucking channels available, including a supposed "Comedy" channel .... I guess CTV's schedule must be really impressive if they can no longer fit it in ...and yet nobody can watch this show in Canada? Apparently subscribers can watch it the next day on Paramount+... Damn, that's an impressive turnaround time here in 1974.

And they wonder why people have abandoned cable in droves. 100% completely fucking batshit insane.
it's on comedy central....i think canadian channels stopped picking that up a while ago?

on paramount+ tomorrow.
That's a dumb comment. He's conducting interviews in a jokey, witty, and charismatic way on CR, while he talks to people on Late Night like he's a fish pulled out of the water hanging on a hook with the life slowly seeping out of him.
But he was playing a character on Colbert Report. You're just being thrown off because he used his real name... but it was a character, nonetheless.
rarely watch "live tv" so I may be mistaken ... but can't find the Daily Show anywhere. With the insane rates that Rogers / Bell charge, and 200 fucking channels available, including a supposed "Comedy" channel .... I guess CTV's schedule must be really impressive if they can no longer fit it in ...and yet nobody can watch this show in Canada? Apparently subscribers can watch it the next day on Paramount+... Damn, that's an impressive turnaround time here in 1974.

And they wonder why people have abandoned cable in droves. 100% completely fucking batshit insane.
It's probably available on YouTube.
rarely watch "live tv" so I may be mistaken ... but can't find the Daily Show anywhere. With the insane rates that Rogers / Bell charge, and 200 fucking channels available, including a supposed "Comedy" channel .... I guess CTV's schedule must be really impressive if they can no longer fit it in ...and yet nobody can watch this show in Canada? Apparently subscribers can watch it the next day on Paramount+... Damn, that's an impressive turnaround time here in 1974.

And they wonder why people have abandoned cable in droves. 100% completely fucking batshit insane.
I watched it on YouTube about 20 minutes after it aired live on the Daily Show YT channel.
But he was playing a character on Colbert Report. You're just being thrown off because he used his real name... but it was a character, nonetheless.
I'm with LOF. On Colbert Report he had a manic, hilarious energy that he just doesn't have anymore. Character or not he's capable of bringing that. I listened to him on a podcast a year or two ago and it was like he was unleashed. So quick and absolutely hilarious.

But he's let the Late Show and all the expectations that come with it handcuff him. Format is too rigid, too much history, too many expectations on how a host needs to approach late night.
I'm with LOF. On Colbert Report he had a manic, hilarious energy that he just doesn't have anymore. Character or not he's capable of bringing that. I listened to him on a podcast a year or two ago and it was like he was unleashed. So quick and absolutely hilarious.

But he's let the Late Show and all the expectations that come with it handcuff him. Format is too rigid, too much history, too many expectations on how a host needs to approach late night.
Colbert's CBS show has the most viewers of any late night show on television. Whatever he's doing is working like a mo-fo. His ratings don't show any signs of him being handcuffed by expectations. He is meeting and exceeding those expectations. If he was as edgy on CBS as he was on Comedy Central his show would have been canceled years ago. The audience that watches CBS is not the same one that watches Comedy Central. For one thing, it's a shit-ton bigger than the Comedy Central audience. It's also older and whiter and slightly less liberal. His show is tailored to that audience and it's working.