Well-known member
Midnight Run
Little Miss Sunshine
Out of Sight
Crazy Stupid Love
In no real order
Little Miss Sunshine
Out of Sight
Crazy Stupid Love
In no real order
Cary Grant’s comedy still holds up today. The fucking best, that guy.
I recently rewatched Bananas. Top notch, especially with the Howard Cosell scenes.Don't really have a top comedy list, but my favs are Take the Money and Run, Bananas, Love and Death from Woody Allen before he got serious. Love Quick Change by Bill Murray, so underrated. Step Brothers is AMAZING. Laugh everytime.
Midnight Run is comedy gold.Midnight Run
Little Miss Sunshine
Out of Sight
Crazy Stupid Love
In no real order
A couple of other oldies but goodies many may not have heard of...Two ancient classics
Duck Soup
His Girl Friday
The Marx Brothers are still the OG geniuses and Cary Grant’s comedy still holds up today. The fucking best, that guy.
Stop flashing your thumbs. You’re going to get the board in a tizzy again.
I was just about to post "The Party." I'm not sure I can list a top 5... But if I did, it would be in there.In no particular order
young frankenstein
Princess bride
The Holy Grail
The Party
Something about Mary
honorable mentions
The Meaning of Life
the Life of Brian
This is spinal Tap
Also, The Great Dictator with Charlie Chaplin.Not the funniest movie, But 'The Dictator' with Sasha Baron Cohen and that scene on the rope above the building was one of the funniest scenes ever. I laughed and laughed.
Yeah for me it's because there are so many factors that go into how much you enjoy a comedy. From your mood that day to how old you were when you saw it.Comedies are the toughest to name on a top list IMO. I'm much easier to be able to name top action or horror films
I don't think it possible to have a top five consensus.My top 5 Westerns would be:
1. The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford. (One of my top 10 favourite movies, period)
2. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
3. Lonesome Dove (ultimately for the novel, but the mini-series is just one long movie, and for a TV adaptation was elite af.)
4. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid (this & The Sting are about as fun as movies can get. Prob the #1 buddy movie of all time too.
5. Silverado/Unforgiven/Rio Bravo
You have to love randomness to get it. Love that crap. It's not the joke itself is the reaction.I never really got Jim Carey’s humor. It’s not really my thing. I think my favorite movie of his - where he is really funny and it’s a good movie overall - was Liar Liar.