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OT: The Official Toronto Raptors Thread

@MindzEye do you like George?

Kinda...maybe if some of the other guys I like better are gone. Love the shooting/size/fluid handle combo as a base. Really concerned about the physical profile overall (terrible leaper, very soft physically). But like most of these guys, there's a major component missing from their games and if they develop it in the league, they become starter level players. George is never going to be a quick twitchy monster athlete but if he gets a bunch stronger his handle and shooting combo at 6'8 has some Kawhi Lite in there. But I mean, 20-30 pounds of man muscle stronger. He's a soft, soft 205 right now.

There's two ways to make the space that you need to get your own shot in the NBA. Speed/Twitch or strength. Pascal is a good example of a guy who isn't a beast physically, isn't a jump out of the gym athlete, but is quick twitchy enough to use a good handle to get himself open, work in 1v1's, etc. Kawhi and Jimmy good examples of the other end of it where it's IQ and bullying with that handle. They just push you to where they want you on the court, put a shoulder into you and clear space to make their mid range stuff work. I don't see George doing either of those, which limits him to a floor spacer that may never be a plus defender (because yeah, those same things above also make you good defensively...either one)
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I can't wait to bust out my Pizzaiolo review when I go there in November or something. I'll post it in a random game thread and act like pizza discussion is fresh and didn't happen 6 months prior to that.
Keep going back between Collier and Ware

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS7rgDEzB94

NBA frame and physical profiles for a PG already. The only thing he doesn't really do physically at a high level is jump out of the gym. Fast and built like a pitbull. The shot is a project but not broken with solid looking fundamentals. The handles are legit high level handles for a PG, the passing feel crazy good (though fucking adventurous, too adventurous). But if you can find me a 19 yr old PG with the type of quickness and athleticism to get himself where Collier can on the court at will who doesn't need to learn to slow the game down and make the right reads, that guy is a top 5 pick, not a 19th overall.

If we're talking about ultimate upside, think a bigger, faster Jrue.
I can't wait to bust out my Pizzaiolo review when I go there in November or something. I'll post it in a random game thread and act like pizza discussion is fresh and didn't happen 6 months prior to that.

I can’t wait!
I hope the Leafs goalie sitch will be less aggravating to you by then….. though any pizza that you’ve anticipated for 5 months will likely be a huge disappoint
I can’t wait!
I hope the Leafs goalie sitch will be less aggravating to you by then….. though any pizza that you’ve anticipated for 5 months will likely be a huge disappoint
I've gone out for pizza once in 2024 and it was North of Brooklyn. I think I average twice per year, I can't force it. It just has to happen organically. November is as much of a projection as my goalie projections are. TBD.
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I've gone out for pizza once in 2024 and it was North of Brooklyn. I think I average twice per year, I can't force it. It just has to happen organically. November is as much of a projection as my goalie projections are. TBD.
Same, maybe pizza two to four times a year. It's a sad, sad existence.
Anything you see as a disaster pick in that range?

Hard for a 19 pick in a weirdo draft to be a disaster. But none of Filipowski, George, Kolek, or even Carrington do much for me.

The more interesting bit really is who falls. I'm basing my board on who I expect to be around past the 15 pick. But what happens if some weird shit happens like Salaun falls? Or Cody Williams? Or even wilder, Ron Holland.

I'm expecting a few weird reaches, and a few weird drops based off the shit I'm hearing on the podcast/twitter circuit.

Could easily see someone reach big on Jared McCain because Duke, because projectable, etc. Same with Ware really, if you go into this draft and you want to get out of it with a rim runner and have no interest in big slow white guys (Clingan, and Edey) because they don't fit your program it's basically Sarr at the #2 pick.....and then Ware and Missi in the high teens/low 20's. If you're San Antonio with the 4 & 8, but you strike out moving up for Sarr (the rumour du jour fwiw is that they're trying to do that), so you take Topic at the 4 and you're looking at your 8 pick and you want that dunker spot athlete to put next to Wemby to make a new twin towers on the defensive end...do you just say fuck it and take Ware at the 8 if there are no decent trade down options from the 12-15? Fuck. Do you you even risk someone else wanting that rim runner and reaching because fuck it I want that kind of guy, so just take him at the 8 and call it a day?

In a regular draft that's crazy talk. But in this one, I don't think it is.

That's one of the more intriguing things about this draft is that if you're locked into wanting a certain player type, the gap in quality between the guy at the ~20 pick (Isaiah Collier) and the guys available at 5-8 (Sheppard, Castle) really isn't very big at all. So what if you're Chicago at the 11 and those other point guards are gone...but that's what you want? Well, you might just take Collier or McCain at 11 and call it a day because they're both near as good as the guys you were hoping would drop, and you want that player type for your program. Basically, what the fuck is BPA when everyone from 1-30 is flawed but half of the first round looks like a starter if they can just fix this one thing. There's going to be a lot of drafting for need tomorrow I think.
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