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OT: The Toronto Blue Jays

I'm 26 as well and those 1990s Mariners teams were awesome. Loved them playing in that miniature indoor bandbox that was the Kingdome. Junior playing almost ten seasons on that horrific turf probably took a huge toll on him in his thirties.

He would be the homerun king if not for his knees. The Reds got him just as it caught-up to him.
I have been so torn about what I want the Jays to do this off season in regards to Starting Pitching. All who are available have their own red flags. Tanaka is his adjustment to the MLB plus the mileage on his arm. Jimenez is his 2 years of utter ineffectiveness prior to regaining his form for 24 starts last year. Garza has health and durability issues plus his rather lackluster return to the AL. Santana has consistency concerns plus his high FB% won't play well in the AL East in all likelihood. Samardzija has a STEEP price to pay in terms of prospects for a guy who has shown some flashes but is probably a #3 starter at best and is 2 years from FA. Price is 2 years from FA and will cost half the system and then some.

Jays might be better off gambling on the plethora of back end arms that they have available and possibly signing a guy like Stephen Drew and convert him to 2B than to gamble with big money on what's available on the trade and FA markets.
Well, year plus. His 2011 wasn't nearly as bad as his surface stats suggest(still rough though) but 2012 was downright UGLY and his start to 2013 was looking worse through April until he turned the corner for his last 24 or so starts. Ubaldo has his risks, I doubt his K/9 is sustainable at the 9.56 he had last year but his near 4.0 BB/9 is troubling. I think his FB% will rise up to the 45-47% it usually sits at and he's always been pretty decent at limiting the HR, especially since he played at Coors so that's doubly impressive. All told, he's likely the Jays best potential option but at what cost? Rumors indicate he wants 4-5 years at 14-17 million per.
In terms of what's available and the expected cost, Ubaldo's looking like the best option to me. Unless there are pitchers available via trade that we don't know about...

The Dickey trade really stings right now though. The assets we used to get him would have been ideally used to get a legit top of the rotations arm, which Dickey may never be again.
The way Dickey ended last year leads me to believe he's a capable #2 starter for at least this year but hopefully the next 2 years. The WBC really killed the Jays last year in terms of injuries: Dickey(back), Lawrie, Reyes was banged up. Thank the baseball gods they'll be going into next year healthy. But yeah, if Jimenez can be had for 3 or 4 years at less then 15 million, I think AA has to do it because once Tanaka signs, Jimenez/Garza/Santana will be gone within a week. As of right now and if we get Jimenez, I'm liking the way the team looks.

1) Dickey
2) Buehrle
3) Jimenez
4) Morrow
5) Happ/Drabek/Hutchison/Nolin/Stroman

CL Janssen
SU Delabar
SU Cecil
RP Loup
RP Santos
RP Jeffress/Wagner
LM Redmond

C Navarro
1B Encarnacion
2B Goins/Izturis
SS Reyes
3B Lawrie
LF Melky
CF Rasmus
RF Bautista
DH Lind

BN Thole/Kratz
BN Gose
BN Sierra
BN Izturis/Goins

I'd like to see AA grab a lefty masher to compliment Lind at DH but other then that, I could see this line up making some noise potentially.
Everything about the Jays is fine except the starting rotation. I am still fairly confident that one of Jiminez, Santana or Garza will be a Blue Jay. They don't have much of a choice.

I say this because Dickey's and MB's windows are closing quickly. With those two guys in your top-4, you're not waiting for "next year."
In terms of what's available and the expected cost, Ubaldo's looking like the best option to me. Unless there are pitchers available via trade that we don't know about...

The Dickey trade really stings right now though. The assets we used to get him would have been ideally used to get a legit top of the rotations arm, which Dickey may never be again.

i don't think it stings at all. if anything, the trade looks pretty good -- the cubs are apparently asking for more for jeff szjarkijncainjamialaikc.

nobody else has been dealt, and it sounds like teams are going to be handing more money over to the likes of garza.

i think the dickey trade was fine. he's a better pitcher than anybody on the trade market right now, and they got him to a pretty sweet deal on a dollar basis.
Tanaka would should be the target; legit #1 pitcher for the next 6 years

He probably is the "target," but in reality the Jays will be hard-pressed to sign him regardless. As I mentioned above, the reports out of Japan are that HE has narrowed his choices down to the Yanks, Angels and Dodgers.
The less NinjAA is spoken about as being in the race, the more likely it is that the little fAAg is right in the mix.
The team has mentioned that they have talked to him. They're not being "ninja-like" when it comes to what they need to do this offseason. They've been fairly forthcoming.