winning the most games in the regular season isn't the flex you think it is either
what is happening right now? only a trickle of signings because of one guyTF you mean “based on”? They’ve done zero to improve the roster for 2024.
This offseason is dogshit
you know that's not what I said. of course you try to win every game. But getting into the playoffs is the goal.Why even try to be good, amirite?
sure would suck to be run as well as any of these teams.winning the most games in the regular season isn't the flex you think it is either
you know that's not what I said.
of course you try to win every game.
But getting into the playoffs is the goal.
40% of the league makes the playoffs every know that's not what I said. of course you try to win every game. But getting into the playoffs is the goal.
nopeIt's 100% what you inferred
sureBetter teams win more games. The better team doesn't always win a playoff series because sports are funny that way. But the goal is always to be the better team going into the series.
post-season is playoffsHow about the play ins though?
post-season is playoffs
once the regular season ends, a bunch of teams are eliminated from the post-season. Only the teams that remain have a chance to win the World Series. I'm surprised you didn't know this.Play ins are to try to make the actual playoffs.
this is payback for that thing you said that one time that hurt my feelings. Full disclosure: I suck balls at holding grudges and I already forget what was saidyes, making the playoffs is worthy of mockery.
but only if a guy turned down a job offer 8 years earlier.