I'm sure there are some experts who can differentiate the sounds between different types of ordinance with a level of accuracy good enough to trust them. I sure as fuck wouldn't be trusting 2nd or 3rd hand accounts of their opinion though, or the opinion of anyone without a massive amount of experience with US guided bomb tech.
yeah that was my main reason to run it by you, just to see if it was a common thing for anyone who keeps up on that general vicinity of military operations etc….to be sure that it wasn’t some sort of common knowledge that X sounds like Y …
Part of me is still suspicious of the fact their misfire just so happened to hit somewhere that would bring the most heat on Israel.
…..also in the recorded audio they mention the cemetery, but from video & IDF maps (and I believe satellite photos) we know the launch site was much further away than the cemetery.
ultimately I’m sure it’s just a crazy coincidence, the probabilities of it all is just so wild….