This could probably apply to me as well. In terms of Israel/Palestine, I've gone from generally believing "everyone sucks here" and wanting to see a peaceful resolution to being a fairly hawkish supporter of Israel's war on Hamas.
I've refrained from posting in-depth about Israel on this thread for the most part since the outbreak of the war because I honestly have complicated feelings when it comes to Israel. Similar to deep red States in the USA, Alberta or say, Hungary, I've long found it difficult to have warm and fuzzy feelings about Israel as a society or to be overly sympathetic to them when they so consistently elect loathsome far-right shitheels to run the country.
And "only 16% of voters voted for Bibi" is not an argument that sways me at all. With Israel's proportional representation system, anyone who votes for one of Likud's far-right/theocratic coalition partners is essentially casting a vote for Bibi (or someone worse), and that bloc of voters has won out for the majority of the past 25+ years. So, I'm sorry---but Bibi absolutely is representative of Israeli society as a whole and the Israeli electorate deserves all of the lumps, criticism and blame that come along with that.
That said, I think it's also clear that for as much as Netanyahu and his allies do everything they possibly can to sabotage a two-state solution, Hamas is even less interested in the idea. The only thing their leadership and likely most of their rank and file care about is staying in control of their own petty little kingdom and enriching themselves. And, as their recent attack has revealed, they are pretty much on par with ISIS and would also like to indiscriminately slaughter every single Jewish man, woman, child and senior citizen they can get their hands on.
So, honestly, at this stage, I fully support Israel rejecting all calls for a "ceasefire" or "cessation of hostilities". And I think they are entirely within their rights to continue to prosecute their war until every single member of Hamas from middle-management on up is either dead or in prison, the organization is obliterated beyond repair and any Hamas member left alive and/or free is pants-shittingly terrified of ever poking their head above ground.