lolWho gives a shit what Americans think? Their strategic interests in the Middle East are not in peril either way. Israel is the guarantor of US influence in the region and the US is Israel's emergency contact should things ever go pear shaped. None of that is changing because of Gaza.
If the US allows the Ukraine to fall to Russia then we're all in the shit. Maybe focus on that and let the Israelis clean up their own mess.
It's up to Biden to tell people what to think. He needs to tell them that Israel and the Palestinians have been killing each other for a long time and nothing the US does or doesn't do is going to change that and nothing that happens there is going to affect the US all that much. The only time that Middle East tribal warfare affect the US is when they have American boots on the ground meddling in the region. When the US isn't physically there it's not an American problem to solve. That's what Biden needs to tell the American
Joe Biden gives a shit what Americans think. and he's the one making all the most important decisions.
this demonstrates a pretty hilarious misunderstanding of global politics, but don't let me rain on your parade.It's up to Biden to tell people what to think. He needs to tell them that Israel and the Palestinians have been killing each other for a long time and nothing the US does or doesn't do is going to change that and nothing that happens there is going to affect the US all that much. The only time that Middle East tribal warfare affect the US is when they have American boots on the ground meddling in the region. When the US isn't physically there it's not an American problem to solve. That's what Biden needs to tell the American electorate.
Then he needs to tell them that what happens in Ukraine will affect the US in very negative and dangerous ways if Russia is allowed to prosper from its aggression.
The message should be simple. Middle East: Israel's problem. Ukraine: Everybody's problem.
You can't tell me that Gaza is more important than Ukraine in the grand scheme of things.this demonstrates a pretty hilarious misunderstanding of global politics, but don't let me rain on your parade.
did I say that at any point?You can't tell me that Gaza is more important than Ukraine in the grand scheme of things.
Well just like in math, there is an "order of operations" in world politics. Ukraine comes before Gaza. You don't even think about anything related to Gaza until you first deal with Ukraine.did I say that at any point?
It's the whole "perception is reality" trope and it's happening because the Dems are objectively bad at framing a cogent message (which itself has become a trope)Tbh the poll seems to be a little extreme in one direction overall, but even then, support for Israel is clear and unsurprising.
For better or worse, the idea that americans would ever side with palestine over israel in any significant way has always been silly imo.
Biden's strategy is probably bang on (as usual) - pretty much fully support israel, but continue to make noises about humanitarian aid and clear benchmarks for putting an end to the conict.
The danger to Biden here isn't really about strategy, it's all about just the feeling that the world is spinning out of control under his watch. That's the danger.
It's the whole "perception is reality" trope and it's happening because the Dems are objectively bad at framing a cogent message (which itself has become a trope)
yeah I was honestly surprised by the results (mostly the strength of the pro-Israel sentiment, overall).Tbh the poll seems to be a little extreme in one direction overall, but even then, support for Israel is clear and unsurprising.
For better or worse, the idea that americans would ever side with palestine over israel in any significant way has always been silly imo.
Biden's strategy is probably bang on (as usual) - pretty much fully support israel, but continue to make noises about humanitarian aid and clear benchmarks for putting an end to the conict.
The danger to Biden here isn't really about strategy, it's all about just the feeling that the world is spinning out of control under his watch. That's the danger.
Bibi is a corrupt fascist criminal so he naturally gravitates to US politicians who share similar character flaws, but he's happy to take money from anyone. I don't even think he cares that most Christofascist Republicans only want to protect Israel because they need the Jews to be around so they can be killed by Christ when the Rapture begins.It’s a personality thing too. Netanyahu is a buddy of Romney and clearly favours the Rs. There was animosity with Barry, though Biden is more practiced in the international arena and more pragmatic.
If there is a substantive issue between the mainline Ds and the Likudniks, it’s the settlements issue.