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So who's the next (faux) GM?

This isn't progress, it's regression.

Progression would be doing the opposite: Hiring based purely on merit, with no consideration of race, gender or language. Which is what every successful company does. We are the onl majory pro sports franchise in North America that doesn't hire based purely on who the best candidate is.

Announcing with pride that you're hiring someone where the language they speak (or tin this case, their gender) is more important than their competences will always have an asterix that will lead to speculation: If you weren't a woman and/or you didn't speak French, would you have ever gotten the job?

No other organization will ever have this scrutiny. The Toronto Maple Leafs hired Hailey Wickenheiser and Danielle Goyette, Seattle hired Cami Granato, and nobody questioned it, you know why? Because they don't give a fuck that they're women. They're hockey lifers and have a wealth of knowledge.

Until this organization truly stops playing these identity politics games, they will always handicap themselves.
For such a socially progressive province, Quebec has remained in the dark ages when it comes to hockey

That also explains why hockey Quebec is so far behind OHL & USNDP both have been very progressive - especially the O under David Branch’s stewardship
This isn't progress, it's regression.

Progression would be doing the opposite: Hiring based purely on merit, with no consideration of race, gender or language. Which is what every successful company does. We are the onl majory pro sports franchise in North America that doesn't hire based purely on who the best candidate is.

Announcing with pride that you're hiring someone where the language they speak (or tin this case, their gender) is more important than their competences will always have an asterix that will lead to speculation: If you weren't a woman and/or you didn't speak French, would you have ever gotten the job?

No other organization will ever have this scrutiny. The Toronto Maple Leafs hired Hailey Wickenheiser and Danielle Goyette, Seattle hired Cami Granato, and nobody questioned it, you know why? Because they don't give a fuck that they're women. They're hockey lifers and have a wealth of knowledge.

Until this organization truly stops playing these identity politics games, they will always handicap themselves.
I don't disagree with the best candidate being hired without consideration for race, gender or language. That is truly the ideal situation.

What I mean by progress is that before the pool of potential candidates only contained one specific group without question, that being french speaking white males. Today, at least in optics, potential candidates can come from any group.

Having a bigger inclusive pool of potential candidates is indeed progress.
I don't disagree with the best candidate being hired without consideration for race, gender or language. That is truly the ideal situation.

What I mean by progress is that before the pool of potential candidates only contained one specific group without question, that being french speaking white males. Today, at least in optics, potential candidates can come from any group.

Having a bigger inclusive pool of potential candidates is indeed progress.

There needs to be a training ground for talent development

Team could put in place positions that require years of on hand learning experience or fund co-op programs in university

There should be a Brisebois type in development stage

If the language barrier is never going to get fixed , fix the training system
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Yeah….I proposed this years ago. Setup a sports management MBA option at UQAM or UM
Why pay Jeff Gorton at least $5-$6 million per for multiple seasons and NOT have him be the de-facto GM?
Many posters over at HF Boards still don't get this point of logic. They are debating the relative merits of the GM candidates as if it matters and I keep reminding them that it's all just a charade. It's ironic that the very people who were intended to be fooled by this ruse (the francophone media) saw through it almost immediately while the people who are supposed to be in on the con (anglos) are the one's who seem to believe in it.
For such a socially progressive province, Quebec has remained in the dark ages when it comes to hockey

That also explains why hockey Quebec is so far behind OHL & USNDP both have been very progressive - especially the O under David Branch’s stewardship
When the issue comes around to language, Quebec ceases to be progressive about anything other than progressive levels of hyperbole to rationalize linguistic discrimination. The one area in Quebec life where it is perfectly socially acceptable to be an unabashed bigot and openly discriminate against people is when it comes to language. Only 4% of the Quebec civil service is anglophone. Yes it is 100% French speaking, but it is also 96% French. Yet no one (other than non-French Quebeckers) has any problems with that. In any other part of life in Quebec, that kind of under-representation would be scandalous. But because the only people getting the shaft are Anglos it passes with nothing more than a Gallic shrug.

The open and outright linguistic bigotry and the continuing rationalization of it in all corners of Francophone Quebec is the very definition of a blind spot. So progressive on so many issues, ahead of the curve socially and yet complete fascists when it comes to singling out Anglos for punishment. And until Quebec deals with its own hypocrisy, it's not going to be allowed to have nice things. But the Habs as a privately owned business can choose to perpetuate this double standard or they can show some backbone and say "No, we are not going to limit ourselves in this way."

Unfortunately Geoff Molson has never been known as a man with the courage of his convictions. He only cares about protecting his bottom line and not rocking the boat. If he had any spine he would have simply hired Gorton and told the usual suspects in the francophone media to pound sand if they didn't like it. Instead we must play this parlor game in a feeble attempt to mollify a group of people who can only be satisfied when they get 100% of what they want 100% of the time.
Many posters over at HF Boards still don't get this point of logic. They are debating the relative merits of the GM candidates as if it matters and I keep reminding them that it's all just a charade. It's ironic that the very people who were intended to be fooled by this ruse (the francophone media) saw through it almost immediately while the people who are supposed to be in on the con (anglos) are the one's who seem to believe in it.
What's your username over there?
There needs to be a training ground for talent development

Team could put in place positions that require years of on hand learning experience or fund co-op programs in university

There should be a Brisebois type in development stage

If the language barrier is never going to get fixed , fix the training system
Exactly. If the Habs "must" have a francophone coach then the Habs need to be spending the money on a coaching academy of some sort so that a pool of qualified francophone coaches can be developed. You know you need to do this when you are constantly being forced to look at rehiring failures like Therrien simply because the other options are even worse. If Michel Therrien is your best and only option then you desperately need to be cultivating more and better francophone coaches.
What's your username over there?
My handle there is Laurentide. I have 3065 posts with 3026 likes which is a pretty good ratio if I do say so myself. Yet I currently am not able to like anyone else's posts because I am forever being sanctioned or suspended for going where angels fear to tread. I got suspended the day after last season's final game up until early October for having the temerity to suggest that the Cup run was a fluke and that the team was garbage and would revert to the mean the following season. Then when I came back the first thing I did was point out that the prediction for which I was suspended had aged very well and that got me another ban because in addition to not talking about certain things related to hockey, you can also be suspended for openly discussing your suspensions and the reasons for being suspended with other posters. The mods are fascists over there.

Do you have a username there? I know that Sal is there because he uses the same handle as here.
My handle there is Laurentide. I have 3065 posts with 3026 likes which is a pretty good ratio if I do say so myself. Yet I currently am not able to like anyone else's posts because I am forever being sanctioned or suspended for going where angels fear to tread. I got suspended the day after last season's final game up until early October for having the temerity to suggest that the Cup run was a fluke and that the team was garbage and would revert to the mean the following season. Then when I came back the first thing I did was point out that the prediction for which I was suspended had aged very well and that got me another ban because in addition to not talking about certain things related to hockey, you can also be suspended for openly discussing your suspensions and the reasons for being suspended with other posters. The mods are fascists over there.

Do you have a username there? I know that Sal is there because he uses the same handle as here.
No, I don't post there, just read it from time to time.
Chantal Machabée believes the new GM will be named Jan 4 or 5 and expects it to be Darche

Considering the selection of bilingual candidates, this is probably the best of what we can get right now. Let's hope he brings the winning recipe Tampa uses to us!
Considering the selection of bilingual candidates, this is probably the best of what we can get right now. Let's hope he brings the winning recipe Tampa uses to us!

Darche or Briere are in the game and working in management roles

Due to the language issue , they are the most logical fits

No disrespect to others but you should not hand over a GM gig to others who have done squat in the game
Darche or Briere are in the game and working in management roles

Due to the language issue , they are the most logical fits

No disrespect to others but you should not hand over a GM gig to others who have done squat in the game
Frank Selke Sr found Pollock managing a minor league baseball team in Mtl with no hockey background at all, and handed the GM gig over to him?
Frank Selke Sr found Pollock managing a minor league baseball team in Mtl with no hockey background at all, and handed the GM gig over to him?

That’s what 50 years ago , totally different optics now

My buddy ‘s dad was a principal at 23 after teaching for half a year back in the 60’s , not happening in today’s world
Vince Lombardi, when he was a high school teacher, was asked to coach the basketball team because they didn't have a coach. Lombardi knew nothing about basketball so he took a book about how to play it from the school library and read it. He devised his game plan from the book, taught it to the players and took them to a state championship. But then again basketball barely qualifies as a sport. At the end of the day it's just 10 guys with overactive pituitary glands throwing a ball into a hoop for 48 minutes and, like pretty much how all sports today are officiated, any semblance of defense is basically illegal.