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Tech Thread

Anyone noticed the "probably spam" link in the Twitter threads now? That when you click on them are definitely not spam and actually just non nazi comments from non blue check human beings.

I'm wondering how long Elon and his investors insist on burning money after the Trump Coup: The Sequel, fails again.
Wait until AI ingests ForumIce data and gets a hold of zeke's and LOF's food takes. Nvidia chips will short circuit.

/no position
Serious question....why does asking for anything to be "double toasted" immediately ensure that it never, ever sees the inside of a toaster?


This version of AI that has been sold to us in 2024 is functionally dead imo. There's going to be so much legal backlash from rights holders when their data is scraped for these models to learn off of. Adobe is in huge damage control right now because they tried to sneak a bunch of rights ownership by it's user base so that they could use any work uploaded to the adobe cloud (which we pay for to use) to train their models on.

Without data sets, these AI's are useless. Even with data sets they're shit.