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The Fucking Offseason Thread - Why bother waiting?

I find myself developing a real dislike for this fucking Hyman fella the last few days. Just saw an interview where he's talking about playing with McDavid and Drai and how it was a huge reason he signed there and all that...as though he wasn't playing with the best goal scorer on the planet and one of the best playmakers in the league all these years. Oh, but now this fuckface gets to play with some REAL talent.

I'm honestly not saying this because I'm spiteful, I just really think there's a very solid chance that he's not going to be a great linemate for those two and might end up playing with Nuge or who knows who else. He's not getting $5.5M to put up 20 points, so this could work out real bad if he doesn't find that his stick is magnetized to pucks coming from Conor.

You goddamm racist pos
He stay. If they had any indication that they may trade him they would have begun negotiations before UFA season opened. If they couldn't agree to anything, they'd push hard for Hamilton. You need to replace the player and they can no longer do that.

TLDR: He stay. And as Dubas already indicated, negotiations will open soon if they haven't already.
It's gonna cost a lot tho. Somewhere in the 8s, though hopefully the reports of him being fine with taking less are true and they can do something in the 7s.
He stay. If they had any indication that they may trade him they would have begun negotiations before UFA season opened. If they couldn't agree to anything, they'd push hard for Hamilton. You need to replace the player and they can no longer do that.

TLDR: He stay. And as Dubas already indicated, negotiations will open soon if they haven't already.
That's fine but you have to sign him asap. Going into the season with him potentially leaving is a big mistake. I would not give him 8 million per with how he's plated the past 2 years but that's just me.
Yeah he specifically said he was going to wait until the market sets the price... Feels like another error in judgement, but maybe he already has an indication of what he wants and expects Mo to not be overly greedy. Some reports did say he was willing to take less just a few months ago so maybe they already touched base briefly and he has an idea of his ask. Hard for me to criticize too much without knowing the full story.

But of course if they sign him to something ridiculous then we know that waiting was not the right move.
And I love the player and I get the loyalty but it's hard for me to say that signing him to a similar contract to what Dougie got is better than trading him for all sorts of fun assets and signing Dougie instead. Has nothing to do with Mo vs Dougie.. Even if you feel that they are equivalent it may have been a worthwhile shuffle just to get the additional assets.

But I know that's not Kyle's style. He loves Mo. And hey, maybe Mo signs for ~2m less in the end.
I don't see why Rielly should take less as a pending UFA after seeing the team's other stars squeezing every dollar they could as RFA without regard to how it would affect the team's ability to, among other things, re-sign Rielly.