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The Mother-fucking goddamn Off-season Thread

We need 3 scoring lines, more speed, more skill as originally intended.

We need to stop making cap blunders that cost us draft position in the first round.

We need a coach that inspires confidence, a motivator, a positive influence - an Osteen-type.
Habs went on an 11-2 run. The old guys like Weber and Pricey were obvs saving their worn out bodies for one last chance at glory.

Good team with great effort and even better friends made.

I’ve made it known how much I value a Prez, and vastly prefer winning a Cup while being a great team, versus just being on a heater, but that Habs run was a thing of beauty.

As much as it destroyed me in the moment, and as frustrating as it was losing games the nerdies said we should have dominated on the scoreboard…..I’ll always be impressed by how fucking hard that team worked for every inch of ice when down 3-1, and didnt roll over or give up for a single shift. They earned every last ounce of luck they got in that series.

I’ll always respect that Habs team and the run they had (except Perry, fuck Perry)…

Id kill to see that kind of fight from this current Leafs team.
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She touches on that in the comments. Gm 3 was as stinker but game 1/2 was shit luck

this comment also caught my attention:

Cheers for all these Artnes, this is great.

Everyone likes to act like they know full well that the above is true….but then react emotionally and irrationally as if it isn’t.
I’ve made it known how much I value a Prez, and vastly prefer winning a Cup while being a great team, versus just being on a heater, but that Habs run was a thing of beauty.

As much as it destroyed me in the moment, and as frustrating as it was losing games the nerdies said we should have dominated on the scoreboard…..I’ll always be impressed by how fucking hard that team worked for every inch of ice when down 3-1, and didnt roll over and give up, for a single shift. They earned every last ounce of luck they got in that series.

Id kill to see that kind of fight from this current Leafs team.
Yeah. I was extremely pissed after that disaster. I mean, losing that way to any team would be bad enough but losing that way to the stinking habs was just too much.

Full credit to those stinking habs though, they didn't give up when down, they just put their stinking heads down and worked their stinking asses off to come back and win that series and then ran all the way to the final where they thankfully lost.

Did our team learn anything from it? Not a fucking thing. Nothing.

In fact it seems that they have learned absolutely nothing in any fucking sense.
Well they've definitely got the lot of failure part down pat.
That's the only part you'll likely see from this group. The narrative that you learn to win by losing is and always was bullshit. The only thing that losing teaches you is how to be good at losing and how to better rationalize each successive failure. You learn to win by winning.

That's the only part you'll likely see from this group. The narrative that you learn to win by losing is and always was bullshit. The only thing that losing teaches you is how to be good at losing and how to better rationalize each successive failure. You learn to win by winning.

you‘re getting so close.
First, congrats to Jonas and the Chicago Blackhawks.

Second, it’s easy to forget but we did win a round. That is actually encouraging.

Third, Marner just turned 26 and Matthews is 25. We need to improve the team but that’s not old.

Let’s not completely give up. Look how long it took the Caps/Ovie for example. All great things are achieved little by little and sometimes a lot of failure happens before victory.
Ok whoever you are please let Jer out of the basement.
Man I was all-in on the luck narrative in past years but I think it's a bit delusional to go all in on it this time around. The furthest I'll go is that they were unlucky to not split the first 2. But losing both was hardly out of the realm of likely outcomes. They played well enough to take 1 of those games, but not well enough to have any confidence in that.

And of course, in the first round they got the better of the luck. So really it hasn't been much of a factor on a net basis.
Good team with great effort and even better friends made.
And that's what the Leafs need to happen to really be a top notch team. They need a run so that they become kindred. Winning > losing for team building.
I’ve made it known how much I value a Prez, and vastly prefer winning a Cup while being a great team, versus just being on a heater, but that Habs run was a thing of beauty.

As much as it destroyed me in the moment, and as frustrating as it was losing games the nerdies said we should have dominated on the scoreboard…..I’ll always be impressed by how fucking hard that team worked for every inch of ice when down 3-1, and didnt roll over or give up for a single shift. They earned every last ounce of luck they got in that series.

I’ll always respect that Habs team and the run they had (except Perry, fuck Perry)…

Id kill to see that kind of fight from this current Leafs team.
Difference is it truly was the last ride for some of those Habs and they never played a game afterward. They knew that was it. My career is done. Really over.

That's one hell of a motivator
Man I was all-in on the luck narrative in past years

…does it retroactively not count in those past years now, or is it because the accumulation of those years impacts your opinion on these three games specifically?

We were the better team in games one and two, and played like shit in game three...should be 2-1 Leafs, or if they even stole one they didn’t deserve, it’s 1-2 and the vibe in here is drastically different.

And of course, in the first round they got the better of the luck. So really it hasn't been much of a factor on a net basis.

if we care about the “net basis” of luck….we would be tallying up every Leafs run, and recognizing we have a phenomenal team who has had brutal luck. We’d also be far more likely to be trusting of the process, if that’s how we processed “luck”.

..and obviously any luck we had it round one, doesn’t really make a lick of difference to the bad luck we’ve had this round. But you know that.
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