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The Mother-fucking goddamn Off-season Thread

Lots of weird stuff in here, but glad you’re happy.

If I was motivated solely by cheap real estate, I’d live in Nova Scotia.

Gas prices and parking spots aren’t in my top 20.

It's not weird, it's the typical WeHave mindset at work.

he's the sort of person who has thoroughly convinced himself that because a given thing is a thing he does or prefers, it is de facto the best option.
…and have them read fiction. It’s one of the best way to develop empathy, and expand their understanding of experiences outside their own.

You learn every bit as much about what it means to be a human from great literature, as you can from any other art form, imo.
Oh they read everything was my point. Fiction, non-fiction. Having tweens read non-fiction stuff helps them in high school and college. That's my belief anyway.
You two guys pretend it's your decision when in fact, you married Latinas and they get to decide this shit

You would think that, but I spent 3-4 years convincing her that this was the play. She didn't want to go back and instead was content being weather depressed for 8 months of the year.

Trying to convince a woman to make a move she deems to be going backwards is a motherfucker. Basically had to lay everything out in pretty deep detail for her to even consider it.
This is exactly why I'm taking my talents to Vallarta.

Fuck summer being 5-10 business days long. Fuck living anywhere that a palm tree can't survive.

I grew up spending my summers in Florida, and there is just something indescribably brilliant about fucking palm trees.

Despite only being down there 3 months a year or so, it always felt more like home to me than Canada did, in part because of those goddamn palm tree….

Mexico is a great call….could definitely see myself down there once my Canadian responsibilities are done.
You would think that, but I spent 3-4 years convincing her that this was the play. She didn't want to go back and instead was content being weather depressed for 8 months of the year.

Trying to convince a woman to make a move she deems to be going backwards is a motherfucker. Basically had to lay everything out in pretty deep detail for her to even consider it.
I just divorced her and she moved to a very white town in middle America.
You would think that, but I spent 3-4 years convincing her that this was the play. She didn't want to go back and instead was content being weather depressed for 8 months of the year.

Trying to convince a woman to make a move she deems to be going backwards is a motherfucker. Basically had to lay everything out in pretty deep detail for her to even consider it.

I don't want to pry into your business, so feel free to tell me to fuck off, but why did she see it that way?
I don't want to pry into your business, so feel free to tell me to fuck off, but why did she see it that way?

Based on my Mexican friends, they grew up with the plan of always leaving, so like Mindz said, it feels like a step back to return….even if it’s the best place to set up shop now..

Leave to make your bank……but return to make that bank maximize its value, I say. Plus palm trees.
Based on my Mexican friends, they grew up with the plan of always leaving, so like Mindz said, it feels like a step back to return….even if it’s the best place to set up shot now..

Leave to make your bank……but return to make that bank maximize its value & enjoyment, I say. Plus palm trees.
Use Canadian or American reputable banks though. Never trusted most foreign banking systems unless it's EU.
You’re removing events that occurred, so you can tell yourself we didn’t deserve it.

…all the events that occur have to be factored in, if youre descriptively discussing who deserved to win an individual game.


5v5 49.6xgf%
EV 49.3xgf%
ALL 50.1xgf%

All in all i'd say the Leafs have earned their 4-5 record so far.
I was thinking about this over coffee this morning…..if we make the finals some year, we should all swear off analytics for the series, until its over. And just enjoy the pure emotion of the moment.

I think it would objectively result in a more enjoyable experience for the majority of the board.

We did this same thing before we had nerdies.
I don't want to pry into your business, so feel free to tell me to fuck off, but why did she see it that way?

No worries man, there's nothing overly personal in there.

- For her, moving to Canada was basically a life goal and she felt like she hadn't achieved everything she wanted to professionally yet(Teacher by education & experience when she moved here, but switched careers while we were sorting out her status). Wants to feel like she came and conquered, not just came and got by.

- Family baggage that has since improved in some ways

- Mexico is kind of chaotic. Shit that we take for granted systemically is just complicated, expensive and more often than not a little risky down there.

- Memories of being broke/struggling in Mexico. Teachers kind of get paid shit down there, so the idea of going back to "that" bothered the shit out of her. This is where I was able to change her mind the most. We'll have a pretty sweet set up down there once we sell everything we've got here and in Guadalajara. A couple of income properties, and our home paid off entirely with no mortgage. Took a while for her to get that's where we were and how she lived before wasn't indicative of how it would be this time. When I laid out to her that we could either have that or spend the next 20 yrs working here to pay off a mortgage on the type of house she wants in Toronto, it became an easier sell.
just be a snowbird get the best of both worlds

Best of both worlds if you're a legacy homeowner in the market you want to be in.

We're not. I own in Barrie and yeah, no, I'm good with leaving it. But Toronto is obscenely expensive.

Also, I'm not retiring, I intend on re starting my business down there. Tough to run a business when you split the year between 2 places 1000's of KM's apart.
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