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The Mother-fucking goddamn Off-season Thread

That's because you never had to buy gas or look for parking on a regular basis in Vancouver. In Edmonton, if I want to go somewhere I just go. When I was in Vancouver, before I decided to go anywhere, I first had to factor in:
What time of day is it when I'm traveling there?
What time will it be when I drive back?
Where will I park when I get there?
How much will parking cost?

Doing anything or going anywhere in Vancouver is an expensive and time-consuming pain in the ass. In Edmonton I don't have to consider any of those factors. I went to the game on Monday and I'll be at the game tonight and driving there and back will take no more than 30 minutes each way, even with the traffic and detours. I've bought season tickets for the Elks and even though the stadium is across town and has no dedicated parking facility I can easily get there and back and find free parking. I'd have bought Oilers season tickets too, but they don't have the drink rail seats I want available. When I lived in Vancouver I couldn't afford to do any of this because too much of my salary went to rent, gas and parking.
I live in Vancouver. So yes, I am aware of these things. Traffic sucks, agreed. The North shore mountains beckon me everyday, but I’m unwilling to spend 2 hours crossing the bridge each way so I really only go very early on weekend mornings. Generally I walk places in my neighborhood, because that’s the best life. Admittedly not everyone has that luxury.
I live in Vancouver. So yes, I am aware of these things. Traffic sucks, agreed. The North shore mountains beckon me everyday, but I’m unwilling to spend 2 hours crossing the bridge each way so I really only go very early on weekend mornings. Generally I walk places in my neighborhood, because that’s the best life. Admittedly not everyone has that luxury.
When I lived in the West End I walked everywhere. But eventually I had to migrate to the burbs (Surrey, New West) and drive everywhere.
No worries man, there's nothing overly personal in there.

- For her, moving to Canada was basically a life goal and she felt like she hadn't achieved everything she wanted to professionally yet(Teacher by education & experience when she moved here, but switched careers while we were sorting out her status). Wants to feel like she came and conquered, not just came and got by.

- Family baggage that has since improved in some ways

- Mexico is kind of chaotic. Shit that we take for granted systemically is just complicated, expensive and more often than not a little risky down there.

- Memories of being broke/struggling in Mexico. Teachers kind of get paid shit down there, so the idea of going back to "that" bothered the shit out of her. This is where I was able to change her mind the most. We'll have a pretty sweet set up down there once we sell everything we've got here and in Guadalajara. A couple of income properties, and our home paid off entirely with no mortgage. Took a while for her to get that's where we were and how she lived before wasn't indicative of how it would be this time. When I laid out to her that we could either have that or spend the next 20 yrs working here to pay off a mortgage on the type of house she wants in Toronto, it became an easier sell.
Good on you man
Good for you. I don't either, now.

The guy I mentioned did, daily, and he said shit all the time a lot like you've posted in this thread.

The bottle killed him and it damn near got me.
Bad time to be waiting here for the game then?

I heard Sensible got a sweet setup dirt cheap in Sinoloa.

Hey, where is sensible?

Couldn't pay me to live north of Tepic, south of Colima, or east of Guadalajara. Merida is the only other spot in Mexico I would consider. I'm just too gringo looking and too much bigger than 5'7 150 to blend in most other places and blending in is essential if you're not a local.