But shanny did not seem to fire him for that. He was still committed until a new offer was tabled. Then shanny seemed to make an emotional decision.Agree but if you're about to hire someone and the candidate says they don't know if they want the job as an employer wouldn't you... be skeptical about hiring them when you know others would want the job? And then if that same person came back asking for more pay in the last minute don't you think it's the employers right to maybe prefer someone who actually wants the job?
That's not even acknowledging the point that being mentally strong is a bona fide occupational requirement for the GM of a professional sports team in the biggest market in the league.
Kyle is free to lash out and do as he chooses but he shouldn't expect to keep his job in this case. Whether Shanny should have let that all out.. Well that's a different story. I loved it but I'm a scumbag who loves drama.
Not sure. Would have to hear Kyle's side of it. But it sounded like to me he questioned things when Kyle went on National TV and told the world that he may not want to be GM anymore. As anyone would. When a candidate says you may not want a job, any employer would react a certain way.But shanny did not seem to fire him for that. He was still committed until a new offer was tabled. Then shanny seemed to make an emotional decision.
I'm obviously an outsider so the bigger the shit show the better![]()
I loved Dubas too, as much as anyone here. I always said he was doing 99% of what I'd do, with slight variations here and there, but...he definitely lost his way this year.….firing Dubas is already pushing me to my limit. A dogshit GM hire is going to be awfully fucking hard to swallow.
But shanny did not seem to fire him for that. He was still committed until a new offer was tabled. Then shanny seemed to make an emotional decision.
I'm obviously an outsider so the bigger the shit show the better![]()
By the way, let's add that this is THE MOST coveted job in the entire fucking NHL.Agree but if you're about to hire someone and the candidate says they don't know if they want the job as an employer wouldn't you... be skeptical about hiring them when you know others would want the job? And then if that same person came back asking for more pay in the last minute don't you think it's the employers right to maybe prefer someone who actually wants the job?
That's not even acknowledging the point that being mentally strong is a bona fide occupational requirement for the GM of a professional sports team in the biggest market in the league.
Kyle is free to lash out and do as he chooses but he shouldn't expect to keep his job in this case. Whether Shanny should have let that all out.. Well that's a different story. I loved it but I'm a scumbag who loves drama.
Got mad he made it public lolololol
This is where I'm at really. The message sent was not one that his heart was really in it or that he was confident in doing it.Agree but if you're about to hire someone and the candidate says they don't know if they want the job as an employer wouldn't you... be skeptical about hiring them when you know others would want the job? And then if that same person came back asking for more pay in the last minute don't you think it's the employers right to maybe prefer someone who actually wants the job?
That's not even acknowledging the point that being mentally strong is a bona fide occupational requirement for the GM of a professional sports team in the biggest market in the league.
Kyle is free to lash out and do as he chooses but he shouldn't expect to keep his job in this case. Whether Shanny should have let that all out.. Well that's a different story. I loved it but I'm a scumbag who loves drama.
By the way, let's add that this is THE MOST coveted job in the entire fucking NHL.
Need LOF's in depth analysis of the Shannys grey bangs plz.