I get around it just fine, you switch goalposts and keep on moving though, so what's the point?
You arbitrarily decide which games count according to how the players you like played in them
How so? I spent the time before (5 minutes is all I can muster generally for research on here) to create the list of performances in Game 6 and 7 of the past two or three years. And offensively we are pretty much a bust each time, and the worst in Game 7s.
I don't care about games 1-5. We are either behind at that point, or like the last two years ahead 3-2. I care about evaluating the performances in the closeout games. That's our problem, nothing else.
So when you post Jack's .897, rank it among starters in these playoffs, forget about the fact that Super Vas posted the exact same number...it bears mentioning that if you just zero in, only one goal separated our winning both of the final games. That's not a goalie problem, not when your goalie posts a .920 in the final game.
Yes, it would've been nice if Jack posted a .968 like Vasy did (again, just one goal), because then we for sure would've won, right??
But no, because Jack posted a .969 last year in Game 7 against Montreal, but the great Jake Allen stonewalled $40M worth of forwards and almost shut them out as the cherry on top.
Come on, guys. Come the fuck on already.