Well-known member
I think you're actually in the majority around here, if I remember past discussions correctly.
Wouldn't it be awesome if a sports franchise decided to sell sponsorship for the sole purpose of flattening/reducing ticket prices for fans?
I know the conversation within MLSE is to minimize the profit scalpers can make... so essentially fuck over face value of tickets.Wouldn't it be awesome if a sports franchise decided to sell sponsorship for the sole purpose of flattening/reducing ticket prices for fans?
I'm not a fan. Prefer clean jerseys, especially on the richest team in the league that actually exists in a cap structure where they are forced to limit their investment in the on-ice product. Like what the fuck are the farmers paying them to justify that? It's kinda obnoxious.I dislike the idea in general, but I don't ever really notice them on the Raptors jerseys. As long as they stay small, unobtrusive and from decent sponsors, I'm fine with it. I reserve the right to rage in the future when it's a proper cunt trying to jam their shitty full colour logo on a 100 yr old jersey though.
just fucking win.
not sure if this is actually confirmed but this is floating around on twitter for mtl's ad.