Good luck finding a better GM
Yeah, I’d echo Artnes’s sentiment that I’d be terrified of his replacement.
It’d almost certainly be an old warhorse that’s universally recognized as a “good hockey man” and card carrying member of the NHL old boys club. Which almost certainly will be a complete disaster.
It is what it is, though. To avoid that fate, just win Dubie.
No BS call on Holl and everyone is likely singing a different tune.
Dubas knows he’s done enough to land another gig. If he isn’t extended he’ll be fine.I wouldn't have given him an extension yet.
I don’t know if I agree with this after six straight years of disappointment. While it’s the players that play the games, the GM can’t just sit and watch that his vision will eventually work.that Dubas needs to prove himself to get another contract
players failing to execute during key moments is not really a GMs fault
It really hasn’t been six straight years of disappointment and Dubas hasn’t been the GM that long. Like no one was actually disappointed when we came off a last place finish and took the Prez Trophy winner to 7.