We’ll see what the evidence, or what's left of it, shows. I’m still skeptical they’ll ever go to prison . . . but we’ll see. These kinds of cases are VERY hard to prove ordinarily.
well according to guys like Westhead and others, it's a slam dunk. You and I know differently as we actually understand law and how the legal process works.We’ll see what the evidence, or what's left of it, shows. I’m still skeptical they’ll ever go to prison . . . but we’ll see. These kinds of cases are VERY hard to prove ordinarily.
The legal process favors the defendant, in criminal AND civil matters. The defendant isn’t required to prove anything, like nothing.well according to guys like Westhead and others, it's a slam dunk. You and I know differently as we actually understand law and how the legal process works.
Well, according to those who shall remain nameless, they're already guilty and the laws of the land shouldn't apply to them.We’ll see what the evidence, or what's left of it, shows. I’m still skeptical they’ll ever go to prison . . . but we’ll see. These kinds of cases are VERY hard to prove ordinarily.
I actually disagree.
Talent is scarce relative to soccer. Sure. But so is every other sport on the planet.
But you know a sport that actual has a scarcity of talent? Basketball. If you aren't 6'4" or so, your chances of making the NBA are virtually non-existent. And even then, 6'4" in the NBA ain't big.
Your point being? Besides that different sports have different economics.Yeah. And guess what? 2nd stringers get paid a lot more than NHL superstars
Your point being? Besides that different sports have different economics.
And the NBA's economics are related how, exactly...?My point is the same — the NHL, given the potential talent base, should not have as many teams as NFL or MLB.
You’re right that God doesn’t make too many 6’10 human beings but NBA rosters are half the size and the game is played all over the world
You have it the other way around, btw.
If the leagues actually cared about the quality of the product, the NHL wouldn't be the league that shouldn't be on the same footing as the others: It should be the NBA.
The overall NHL game has gotten incredibly better, despite the NHL's shitty rulesets. The NBA just sucks if you don't have one of the five or so best players on the team because you know for a fact that your team's not winning. It's not a coincidence that during his prime, LeBron's teams were a guarantee to make the finals. That would be inconceivable in any other league.
While he might be right and they're not willing to go all in, they would be ridiculous not to.
New York's core of forwards are all in their primes (or end of their primes) and in their thirties.
Meaning, they don't have many shots left at this. Their opportunity is right now and their inaction, if that's the path they choose to go down, will kill all possible chance they have.
The wildcard as always w NYR is Dolan and his knee jerk demands - this June will be the 30th anniversary of their Cup winThey should go all in . . . and overpay for Sean.
I wouldn't trade him to Bawstun simply because they have almost nothing of interest for me. If they had interesting pieces, I'd consider them. Someone mentioned in one of the threads that they're looking to get a prospect back for Monahan. If that's the case, there's a real limit in what we'd accept as a return. I don't see how we'd accept to trade Monahan for a prospect on defense. We just don't have the space for one. So that would mean trading him for a goalie prospect (we already seem to have a bunch there) or a forward prospect (a barren wasteland).And there’s almost a zero sum kind of thing among the top 5 or 6 contenders. Not only do they deprive themselves of veteran depth (and it need not just be Monahan, it could be someone else), but one of the contenders likely gets that player.
Monahan would suit Boston perfectly, though maybe the Habs don’t trade him to a historic rival.