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Around The League - 2024-25 Regular Season

fucken right

ridiculous a 100 point team gets done in round 1

The 4 division winners get a first round bye. The 2nd and 3rd seeds play a best of 5 round. And they DO NOT take a day off between every game. They play the first 2 games on consecutive nights, one day off for travel, then games 3 and, if necessary, 4, also on consecutive nights. If a 5th game is needed there's a day off between game 4 and 5. 5 games in 7 days, not a 2 week marathon.

The winners of that round play the division winners in a best of 7. Then the conference finals and finally the Cup finals. 12 teams make the playoffs. The rest are garbage who don't deserve it and have basically no chance to win anyway. No stupid wildcards. Just the cream of the crop and nothing else. Then maybe we can get through the playoffs before Canada Day.
I won't sleep until the Leafs are dead and buried.
Zeke will kick you out of his echo chamber

The 4 division winners get a first round bye. The 2nd and 3rd seeds play a best of 5 round. And they DO NOT take a day off between every game. They play the first 2 games on consecutive nights, one day off for travel, then games 3 and, if necessary, 4, also on consecutive nights. If a 5th game is needed there's a day off between game 4 and 5. 5 games in 7 days, not a 2 week marathon.

The winners of that round play the division winners in a best of 7. Then the conference finals and finally the Cup finals. 12 teams make the playoffs. The rest are garbage who don't deserve it and have basically no chance to win anyway. No stupid wildcards. Just the cream of the crop and nothing else. Then maybe we can get through the playoffs before Canada Day.
12 in playoffs. hahahahaha
Hockey won't be back in Arizona within five years, even in the most ideal of situations.

The future of hockey in Arizona depends largely on the land deal they're trying to acquire. If they get that land in Tempe, they'll build a new arena and then Moreno & co can start the process for expansion.

I think the reason for the move is obvious, though: The NHL couldn't sustain the losses there for any longer. Salt Lake City's a smaller market, but they have a mediocre arena available until the new one they're building for the 2032 Olympics is ready. Until then, the current arena can have 14,000 or so people in it. 5,000 vs 14,000.

What really fucked the Coyotes was not being able to have the same arena as the Phoenix Suns.
I don’t see it coming back for at least 10 years. There is no appetite for it. Neither cities or citizens will want to fund it. Basketball and baseball teams are doing good, hockey is a complete afterthought
I don't think so either, which is why I find the NHL's deal with Moreno for 5 years to be... weird. But whatever.

Houston's next, whenever the NHL expands once more.
when the league expands to 34/36, the playoffs will go to 10
It can't expand if it loses a team for every new one it creates. Last week when we played the Isles I saw an arena that had a lot of empty seats. I'd understand that if the Isles were out of the playoffs but they aren't. In fact, they're in a tight playoff race. Fan interest should be high. I'd understand if they were still playing in Brooklyn but they're at Belmont Park now, which is only a 20 minute drive from the old Nassau Coliseum so that argument won't wash now. Then there are the Jets, who play in the league's smallest arena, are having their best season in almost ever, and still have to run ads on TV for people to buy tickets.

And Salt Lake City, which is supposed to be this great market, has a population about the size of Saskatoon (although I grant that the metropolitan population is higher, about the size of Edmonton or Calgary....or Hartford)
Well after Freeland screams BOHICA at us tomorrow and takes more of our money, people will in Winnipeg will have no money to go to games.
Well after Freeland screams BOHICA at us tomorrow and takes more of our money, people will in Winnipeg will have no money to go to games.
Everyone who isn't already rich got a carbon rebate in the mailbox today and they thank you for your contributions.

It's odd to me that the people who constantly whine about having their money taxed away never seem to lack for money whenever they want to buy something or travel someplace for a vacation. Clearly, the evidence proves that you are taxed accordingly or, dare I say, not enough?

"After 8 years of Trudeau" your personal wealth and lifestyle has only improved. You can't complain about the price of gas when you're rolling around in a gas-guzzling SUV. If you can afford the car payment, you can afford to fill the tank without bitching about it.
Everyone who isn't already rich got a carbon rebate in the mailbox today and they thank you for your contributions.

It's odd to me that the people who constantly whine about having their money taxed away never seem to lack for money whenever they want to buy something or travel someplace for a vacation. Clearly, the evidence proves that you are taxed accordingly or, dare I say, not enough?

"After 8 years of Trudeau" your personal wealth and lifestyle has only improved. You can't complain about the price of gas when you're rolling around in a gas-guzzling SUV. If you can afford the car payment, you can afford to fill the tank without bitching about it.
An XT6 is hardly a gas guzzling SUV.

The carbon rebate/tax is nothing more than a wealth transfer. To paraphrase what P Trudeau said re selling wheat and Cartman said to Stan/Kyle/Kenny, "why should I give my money to you assholes"?

How I spend my hard earned money (remember my firm employs over 100 people, not including the 15/16 partners who have INVESTED IN THE FIRM, should be my decision. There is no reason on Earth my highest tax bracket is over 50%. As it is, I still pay close to 40% overall of MY income to the government. I get shit health care (my wife has had to find a paying doctor to deal with issues) and we are strongly considering getting a doctor in the US and paying for it. Property taxes are going up and up and up with no corresponding increase in services. I get a "reprieve" of a vacant house tax on my inherited property, mighty white of them. I should be able to leave it vacant if I want for as long as I want, and not have to pay the govt for that luxury.

As for travel, it seems you go away more than I do, go to more concerts and sports than I do, all while living in a lower tax province while complaining we should pay more in tax. Hypocrisy, thy name is Wehave.
And yet for all the taxes you pay you still make enough money where you can afford the option of going to a for-profit doctor in the US. You have to be well off to begin with to even consider such options.

And all taxes are a wealth transfer. That's how the system works. If you were poor, that wealth would flow toward you, but because you're not poor, it flows away from you toward poor people. Even so,
being rich is better. Me, not being that rich, had to move because BC was no longer affordable. I'm able to travel and do things now that I couldn't do before because my cost of living is lower. The price I pay is having to live in a less attractive city with harsh winters.
Carbon tax is peanuts compared to other taxes and fees. It needs to be much higher to have the desired impact.
Simply a cash grab , more carbon released in the air to extract the materials to make EV batteries , etc…

Problem is the global manufacturing factories to make goods more cheaper to ship to the rest of the world

The polution they emit will never get fixed or goods can no longer be made affordable