Yes, but they're doing so while significantly more educated and significantly more likely to be in a couple while doing so. So they're more likely to be able to afford one, even in this wildly priced market.
University graduation rates in Canada have been 60F/40M for a while now (5-7 yrs+) and women between 25-35 are about 1.5x more likely to be married than similar aged men. We're also about a generation deep into realizing that women are far less likely to cohabitate with a man less educated/wealthy than she is, than a man is in doing the same so we're in a cycle of more and more educated women staying single income because fewer and fewer suitable partners exist for them.
This isn't a "lol chicks, amirite?" rant. For generations women were under educated, under paid, under appreciated, overly sexualized, overly abused, etc. A lot of fantastic work was done to indentify the reason for those gaps and close a lot of them (no, not all). But while doing that, some gaps opened up on the other end and now we have a generation of young men who are under educated, under employed and have had cultural force multipliers put in their hands since they were old enough to. They're now the crypto bros, Elon fanboys, incels, hustle culture idiots, Andrew Tate subscribers, etc and they exist in fairly large numbers. Large enough to decide elections.
Just like male dominated society was fucking stupid when they promoted ideas that women were too weak to "X" as an excuse to hold them back for...well..fucking forever, we would be wrong to do similar to young men now because a large chunk of a generation of them have appeared to turn out pretty shit. Society fucked up somewhere and as important as it is to give young women opportunities, it's legitimately existential to democracy for young men to have positive outlets for their energies.