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New Canadian Politics Thread

I would probably agree that a lot of young men weren’t given the tools to be good partners. If anything that’s how society has failed them.

But if you went full Andrew Tate incel bro in response to us having more freedoms that’s another story.

The latter isn't a direct result of the former, but it is the end point of a long process that starts with being failed by society. It's a spectrum of douchebaggery, not all of them are Incel Tate Bro bad.
I'm not really sure young men have it so bad. At least not compared to young women.

I mean, educational outcomes alone require us to take a long, hard look at ourselves. No differently than when men made up the vast lion's share of degree earners. Either men have secretly been shit this whole time, or in the very very necessary effort to level the playing field to make society more equitable for women, we've built education systems that prefer and reinforces traits more commonly found in girls than in boys.

The "boot straps" style arguments are probably as bad when directed at boys as they are when they've been directed at minorities. Similar to why women and minorities struggled for...ever....was due to systemic issues/biases, we're very likely seeing evidence of systemic issues holding boys back now.
Hey, shit on the 40-50 yr old+ class of men for that. Well deserved, and you won't get an argument from me. But those guys aren't the 20-35 yr olds that have tilted to the right pretty much everywhere in the western world.
On the older side of that range but yeah that’s pretty much who I’m talking about. That’s how I ended up on a date with a man telling me we should have babies to repopulate the whites!
Fwiw, I'm only referring to that range because it what was used in the Ekos polling. I agree that men 30-35 have less to complain about in that regard than 18-29. 30-35 missed the bus on housing, but a lot of the other impacts weren't as rough on them as it's been on 18-29.

Also...and in fairness, I'm not making excuses for Oshawa, I'm just not. I've been there before, and no. No.

Also, no.
Convince men having emotional intelligence is for pussies/soy boys/cucks or whatever.
Convince them that being a good partner is being a simp.
When they have unsuccessful relationships with women due to the above, capitalize on their anger about that for your podcasts and books and votes.
And then get everyone to agree it’s actually letting women advance that’s the issue.
Yes, but they're doing so while significantly more educated and significantly more likely to be in a couple while doing so. So they're more likely to be able to afford one, even in this wildly priced market.

University graduation rates in Canada have been 60F/40M for a while now (5-7 yrs+) and women between 25-35 are about 1.5x more likely to be married than similar aged men. We're also about a generation deep into realizing that women are far less likely to cohabitate with a man less educated/wealthy than she is, than a man is in doing the same so we're in a cycle of more and more educated women staying single income because fewer and fewer suitable partners exist for them.

This isn't a "lol chicks, amirite?" rant. For generations women were under educated, under paid, under appreciated, overly sexualized, overly abused, etc. A lot of fantastic work was done to indentify the reason for those gaps and close a lot of them (no, not all). But while doing that, some gaps opened up on the other end and now we have a generation of young men who are under educated, under employed and have had cultural force multipliers put in their hands since they were old enough to. They're now the crypto bros, Elon fanboys, incels, hustle culture idiots, Andrew Tate subscribers, etc and they exist in fairly large numbers. Large enough to decide elections.

Just like male dominated society was fucking stupid when they promoted ideas that women were too weak to "X" as an excuse to hold them back for...well..fucking forever, we would be wrong to do similar to young men now because a large chunk of a generation of them have appeared to turn out pretty shit. Society fucked up somewhere and as important as it is to give young women opportunities, it's legitimately existential to democracy for young men to have positive outlets for their energies.
In Canada, we should introduce mandatory national service. Every able bodied male, on their 18th birthday, should be drafted, not just to fill the ranks of the armed forces, but to teach them how to be well adjusted human beings.

And frivolous "medical" exemptions should be disregarded. I dont give a shit if your kid has "anxiety issues" because guess what? Anxiety is a normal response to stress and every kid (and adult) has them. The trick to overcoming anxiety isn't medication but facing it and getting through it.

The nation's young men need to be made to experience some adversity and equipped with the skills to deal with it. And part of the training should involve the teaching of critical thinking skills so they can spot the bullshitters like Rogan.
In Canada, we should introduce mandatory national service. Every able bodied male, on their 18th birthday, should be drafted, not just to fill the ranks of the armed forces, but to teach them how to be well adjusted human beings.

And frivolous "medical" exemptions should be disregarded. I dont give a shit if your kid has "anxiety issues" because guess what? Anxiety is a normal response to stress and every kid (and adult) has them. The trick to overcoming anxiety isn't medication but facing it and getting through it.

The nation's young men need to be made to experience some adversity and equipped with the skills to deal with it. And part of the training should involve the teaching of critical thinking skills so they can spot the bullshitters like Rogan.
This is like the most boomer post ever and imo exactly the problem.

We should literally just encourage them to find tools to deal with their emotions properly, like a lot more women do.
In Canada, we should introduce mandatory national service. Every able bodied male, on their 18th birthday, should be drafted, not just to fill the ranks of the armed forces, but to teach them how to be well adjusted human beings.

And frivolous "medical" exemptions should be disregarded. I dont give a shit if your kid has "anxiety issues" because guess what? Anxiety is a normal response to stress and every kid (and adult) has them. The trick to overcoming anxiety isn't medication but facing it and getting through it.

The nation's young men need to be made to experience some adversity and equipped with the skills to deal with it. And part of the training should involve the teaching of critical thinking skills so they can spot the bullshitters like Rogan.

I mean, we do "draft them" already, but we start at 4 years old and it turns out that a lot of what we're trying to teach them is actually the reason why they're struggling in life. More of that same paternalism probably isn't the solution.

I don't see mandatory national service being the answer for any of the parties involved. International militaries are moving towards drones, mechanization and AI...a bucket load of expensive to feed, cloth, house and pay 18 yr old privates with rifles marching up and down the square is long dead and gone. Being held back 2 years from education is the best way to take a cohort already losing to women in educational outcome and put them even further back and now our frustrated young men will be further behind, but in better shape and better with weapons.

Hard pass.

Fuck, spend the same money and just make college/university free.
On the older side of that range but yeah that’s pretty much who I’m talking about. That’s how I ended up on a date with a man telling me we should have babies to repopulate the whites!

Wish I had that one in my arsenal during my dating years. This new generation got it on lock down
This is like the most boomer post ever and imo exactly the problem.

We should literally just encourage them to find tools to deal with their emotions properly, like a lot more women do.
Yeah, and who is going to teach them these life skills? Their helicopter parents who get them diagnosed for half a hundred "disorders" that all boil down to the normal social anxiety that has been exacerbated by the technology which isolates people from one another?

They need these life coping skills taught to them and since their parents can't or won't do it and because they won't do it on their own they need to be obligated to learn it.

The thing that shitheads like Tate preach to young men is that their shortcomings aren't their fault and because they aren't, they don't need to do anything about them; they merely need to force the people thought to be standing in their way (women, minorities, whatever) to be brought to heel.

I had a friend who went down this rabbit hole a decade and a half before anyone had ever heard of Andrew Tate and what I told him was simple and blunt. He was convinced that the reason he couldn't get a better job was because the deck had been stacked against him. That the people he called "digitals" (Asians) were somehow responsible for the fact that he couldn't advance. In reality he was just a mediocre white guy who was too lazy to do the work but that isn't what I told him since he wouldn't have believed me.

So instead I simply told him that even if everything he believed was true, it still didn't change the fact that he and only he was responsible for his own life. So even if the entire world had nothing better to do than try to screw him it didn't let him off the hook. He was still responsible and everything was still up to him.

That is what these bright young boys in the cusp of manhood need to hear. The world is shit and they are going to get shit on. They need to accept the fact that while everyone might agree that they're being screwed it doesn't mean that they or anyone else gets a free ride. Everyone is still responsible for themselves. They are the masters of their fates and the captains of their souls. Playing the blame game might make you feel good for 5 minutes but it doesn’t fix anything. Only you can fix you. But they need to learn how to do that and since public school curriculums aren't going to do it, they need to be dragooned into learning it.