This has fathead written all over it,
It takes blood, sweat and tears to win 4 rounds. You need guys like Bush who go into the trenches...C'mon guys Boosh is a need guys who go to WAR...the playoffs is a WAR you've gotta make em pay the price scared to go in the corners WHAMMY how many corsi is that worth 7 games
You can still get Dumba too.I really would've much preferred Tanev for not a lot more.
I was hoping we'd aim for higher quality than Tanev and got Boosh instead.
It's funny, Bush on Buffalo made a big useless hit early last season and the hit was EVERYWHERE on Twitter with the 'Grit" crowd loving it. Kypreos had Andrew Peters on right after that and he actually said he would have traded Nylander (Seriously) to keep Lybushkin. The entire segment was a love-fest about Bush and how stupid Leafs were in not signing him.The extra nugget about Bush is that he's not just terrible, he's also your Uncle's fave player cause he hits people
It's funny, Bush on Buffalo made a big useless hit early last season and the hit was EVERYWHERE on Twitter with the 'Grit" crowd loving it. Kypreos had Andrew Peters on right after that and he actually said he would have traded Nylander (Seriously) to keep Lybushkin. The entire segment was a love-fest about Bush and how stupid Leafs were in not signing him.
I think this was it:
These guys dont trust kids or anyone without experienceI get that we needed another body asap. This move probably suggests that Gio is toast for the year or at least for the next 4-8 weeks.
What irks me though is that Lyubushkin is terrible, and doesn't actually help anything. If you just need a body with some NHL reps, there's lots of #7-8 guys out there who are also shit but that you could get for a half hearted handjob. You don't trust Villeneuve or Niemela to get NHL reps yet while you sort out the addition of guys who can play higher up the lineup? Fine. Go get another AAAA guy like Lagesson, because let's be clear...Lyubushkin is also a AAAA guy, he's just one who hasn't played his way out of the league yet but was well on his way to it after quickly playing his way down the depth chart of two bottom dwelling teams.
I really would've much preferred Tanev for not a lot more.
I was hoping we'd aim for higher quality than Tanev and got Boosh instead.
That's the part that's so disappointing with Keefe. He's just afraid to play young inexperienced players. I never thought that would be an issue with him when he was hired.These guys dont trust kids or anyone without experience
They look at a resume and see they've been an NHL D for x amount of years and stop reading.
I get the feeling they buy into the notion that you need to be an experienced tough as nails guy to play in Toronto, and Keefe would rather cover his ass with veterans who will fuck up than kids that might
Or its entirely possible they have very little idea how to identify talent in 2024
I get that we needed another body asap. This move probably suggests that Gio is toast for the year or at least for the next 4-8 weeks.
What irks me though is that Lyubushkin is terrible, and doesn't actually help anything. If you just need a body with some NHL reps, there's lots of #7-8 guys out there who are also shit but that you could get for a half hearted handjob. You don't trust Villeneuve or Niemela to get NHL reps yet while you sort out the addition of guys who can play higher up the lineup? Fine. Go get another AAAA guy like Lagesson, because let's be clear...Lyubushkin is also a AAAA guy, he's just one who hasn't played his way out of the league yet but was well on his way to it after quickly playing his way down the depth chart of two bottom dwelling teams.
I think they legit vision him being Rielly's partner in a shutdown role.Nothing to do with gio injury.
The NHL is sad. 2 trades in 2 days for meh players that didn't even make that much that required 3 teams involved.