Wayward Ditch Pig
I have a small bit of sympathy for JFJ. Only a small bit, but still. When he interviewed for the job he suggested a full tear down and rebuild, which got vetoed by the galaxy brains on the board and he was told to compete. He was handed a bunch of expensive veterans that needs significant upgrades around them to be competitive, but how had to do it in a capped environment. We'll always have the Rask for Raycroft trade to screech about and he deserves the hatred for that
Honestly, a lot of the hate he gets is for Peddie's decision to remove Quinn from the GM position. He did an okay, just okay job overall in a situation he had actually to do really well in to succeed here. He was dealt a losing hand and played it kinda okay.
Drafting wasn't shit and he did an okay job adding cheap veteran reclamation projects (Allison, Lindros, O'Neill) to a capped out lineup that didn't have much help coming from the D&D pipeline. As usual in this city though, being a terrible judge of goaltending did him in.